Meet the Faculty
View the program directory for faculty contact information, research interests, office hours, and more.
Latin American, Caribbean and Latinx Studies (LACLAS) offers you a broad, interdisciplinary perspective on the histories, geographies, economies, political systems, artistic and literary expressions, and activism of this vibrant region and its diasporas. Our program gives you insight on both the common cultural formations and the different and unique cultures that give life to this region of the world, as well as the (Afro)Latinx and Caribbean diasporic cultures that have flourished in the Global North. Following a Hemispheric approach, our program focuses on the many relationships between Latin America, the Caribbean, and the United States, and enables you to learn about (Afro)Latinx experiences, memories and histories. By studying South-South and South-North migratory movements and diasporic experiences, our program focus is dynamic and in touch with the most current issues in the contemporary world and in the field. Our faculty are active scholars from a wide range of academic disciplines, spread across multiple departments, including Anthropology, Black Studies, Communications, Economics, Education, English, Francophone Studies, Geography, History, Political Science, Sociology, Spanish, Theater Arts, and Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies. The interdisciplinary character of our program and faculty lets you approach Latin America, the Caribbean and the Latinx experience from a wide variety of perspectives; it also lets you combine it with other courses of study as a double major or minor. As a program we are committed not only to providing you with a rigorous and wide interdisciplinary academic preparation but also enabling you to relate directly to the region through study abroad programs, internships, talks by prominent Latin American artists and scholars, and many other extra-curricular social and cultural activities.
Alumni Talk About How LACLAS Has Impacted Their Life

Luis Lopez (Graduated 2014)
Counselor, Opportunities Program and Academic Advisor at New York University
I embarked on the LACLAS path with excitement and curiosity, and the experience proved transformative. The program's diverse curriculum, spanning courses from various disciplines all related to Latin America and the Caribbean, such as Intro Latin American Studies, Women in the Caribbean, Afro development of Brazil, surveys of Latin American canon, Latin American film, and Spanish linguistics and phonetics, provided a comprehensive exploration of language, literature, and cultures.

Marilyn Marin Benavides (Graduated 2022)
Graduate Student at the School of Social Work, Columbia University
My name is Marilyn Marin Benavides, a graduate of class December 2022. I majored in Psychology and Latin American & Caribbean Studies with a minor in Spanish. Currently, I am pursuing my Masters in Social Work at Columbia University.

Natalie Aguilar (she/her) (Graduated 2020)
Associate Manager of Internships at the Brooklyn Museum
LACLAS proved to be an extremely validating, enriching and informative part of my studies as an undergraduate student. With this interdisciplinary major, I was able to take classes that exposed to me the various histories, social and political movements and literary and artistic productions of the region that fueled self-reflection and critical thinking.
Contact Us
César Barros A.
Location: Old Main 303-C
Phone: 845-257-3489
E-mail: barrosc@newpaltz.edu
Alaine Salvati
Location: Old Main B-120
Phone: (845) 257-2760
Fax: (845) 257-2768
E-mail: salvatia@newpaltz.edu
Mailing Address
Latin American & Caribbean Studies Program
State University of New York at New Paltz
Faculty Office Building West 2
New Paltz, NY 12561
Phone and Fax
845-257-3467 (fax)
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