Strong, intense, and vivid, the 35 silkscreen posters that make up this exhibtion provide an immediate insight into the Puerto Rican experience. Originally posted wthin the urban and rural landscapes of the island, these cogent graphic messages have a history of building and strengthening the community, stimulating political action, and impacting cultural awareness.
The Dorsky Museum is proud to present this online exhibition, Puerto Rican Silkscreen Posters, 1958–1983, in conjunction with Hispanic Awareness Month 1996. The Dorsky also recognizes the generosity of Mr. James G. Shine, who donated 191 Puerto Rican posters in honor of Latin American students at SUNY New Paltz and students of Spanish past, present, and future. The exhibition includes works by Lorenzo Homar, Rafael Tufiño, José Alicia, and Antonio Martorell, among others.
Puerto Rican Silkscreen Posters: 1952–1983, from the Collection of the Dorsky, Curated by Tracy J. Priest