• November is SEFA Participation Month!
  • No gift is too small to make an impact!
  • You pick the charities you are passionate about!

State Employees Federated Appeal - What is it and how can I help?

SEFA provides ALL New York State employees (CSEA, UUP, PEF, COUNCIL 82 etc.) the opportunity to support a network of local, national and international community services all year long through payroll deduction. Your gift to SEFA helps people cope with the kinds of problems many of us hope we will never have to face such as natural disasters, crisis services, or lack of adequate food and shelter. SEFA serves State employees and thousands of others who are in need of assistance. Your generosity is the most effective way to improve their quality of life.

Your contribution goes directly to the charity of your choosing.

How Your Contributions Work

Even small monetary donations can have a big impact in our communities!

For just $2 per paycheck, your donation can help stop the spread of HIV by providing a community member with a HIV blood test, results & counseling.

For just $5 per paycheck, your donation can provide a spay/neuter surgery for a shelter pet.

For just $10 per paycheck, your donation can support an assembly program on going green at a local elementary school.

For just $15 per paycheck, your donation can provide supplies to build emergency shelters for twenty families uprooted during a crisis.

Give whatever you can, and together we can make a difference!

The 2023 SUNY New Paltz SEFA Campaign runs through December 5, 2022. To locate participating nonprofit organizations and/or to donate online, please use the "Charity Lookup Tool or to Pledge Online" link under "Resources" on this page. A paper version of the participating organizations or a paper Pledge Form is available upon request. Paper Pledge Forms can also be printed from the "SEFA Pledge Form" link under "Resources." Please send Paper Pledge Forms to Gerry Torrone, Office of Student Accounts, 123 Wooster Hall through campus mail.

Thank you in advance for your support!

If you have any questions, call:

Gerry Torrone
SEFA Campaign Manager

Maria Cathcart
