(effective February 11, 2025)
1. Please refer to the "call letters" linked below. These instructions, distributed in February 2025, supersede everything that has preceded from the Office of the Provost or from HRDI.
2. Complete applications are due to your department chair (or to the dean, in the School of Business) by April 1, 2025.
3. To submit an application, please start with the appropriate "Review Sheet and Checklist" .docx file linked below. You will add supporting documents (also in .docx format) to create a single .docx file for submission.
4. Any questions should be directed to Deb Gould in the Office of the Provost.
Full-Time Teaching & Library Faculty: DSI Full-Time Call Letter
- DSI Review Sheet & Checklist - Full-Time Faculty (1/1/24-12/31/24 Reporting Period)
Part-Time Teaching & Library Faculty: DSI Part-Time Call Letter
- DSI Review Sheet & Checklist - Part-Time Faculty (1/1/24-12/31/24 Reporting Period)
Related Resources
- Structures & Procedures of Reappointment, Tenure, Promotion & Salary Increase (effective Fall 2021)
- Structures & Procedures of the Library DPC
- Baseline Expectations for Discretionary Salary Increase - Tenured & Tenure-Track Faculty
- Baseline Expectations for Discretionary Salary Increase - Library Faculty