Academic Planning

Academic Program Planning

Academic Program Planning

Welcome to our webpage dedicated to Academic Program Planning. 

This website provides a framework for designing, approving, and implementing academic programs that are relevant, rigorous, and aligned with the institution's mission.  

Whether you need to propose a new academic program or revise an existing one, develop or revise courses, or move a program to a new delivery modality, our office can assist you.  We will help you navigate the internal and external approval processes from idea to launch.  

Who we are

We will help you:

  • understand the program/course approval processes for undergraduate and graduate programs as well as curricular/non-curricular micro-credential proposals
  • conduct market and competitor research to determine demand
  • obtain Cabinet support to move forward with a proposal
  • gather the appropriate forms for your proposal, pre-filling sections as appropriate, and assisting you with editing content 
  • navigate internal approval processes by coordinating movement through local review/approvals
  • navigate external processes by serving as liaison with SUNY and NYSED 
  • initiate promotion, advertising and marketing planning with the Office of Communication and Marketing and Graduate Admissions
  • launch the program by updating the Catalog and coordinating with other offices to create appropriate content in Slate, progress reports, etc.


Accelerated Pathway (AP) Proposals


Sometimes it is desirable to create an accelerated pathway for students so that they can complete their undergraduate and graduate programs in less time than doing each program separately. Learn More >

Deactivating or Discontinuing a Program


A campus decides not to admit any new students to a program but wishes to maintain the program’s registration.  Learn More >

Online Program Development


Academic planning decisions about which programs and courses can and should be offered online in order to meet student and institutional needs. Learn More >