Home School Information
As home schooling, in most instances, is a more holistic educational experience than traditional high school programs, we require a more comprehensive application submission, following the format for home schooling as outlined in the NYS Commissioner of Education's Regulations-Section 100.10.
New York State residents who enroll in online correspondence high school programs of study are not considered HOME SCHOOLED as per the New York State Department of Education.
In addition to the general undergraduate admission requirements in effect at the time of application, New Paltz asks that home schooled applicants provide the following:
- A transcript outlining the subjects studied and results of your high school program through the end of grade eleven.
- A copy of the approved Individualized Home Instruction Plan (IHIP) for each year of high school home schooling.
- A complete portfolio of your work.
- Copies of quarterly reports to the local school district
Home-schooled students must provide documentation of successful completion of the high school home school program as required by the New York State Department of Education.
This can be done by submitting one of the following:
- An official letter of completion of all high school requirements signed by the home district superintendent (or designee).
- The official score report of the GED.
New York State residents who enroll in online correspondence high school programs of study are not considered HOME SCHOOLED as per the New York State Department of Education.