Alumni & Friends
New Paltz Sweethearts: Weinberger



Love at first sight! Well, maybe for one of us. It was September, 1977, at the first party of the year in the basement of Bevier Hall. I was making the rounds, getting to know my new "dorm mates." As I was to find out many years later, she saw me coming and quickly moved onto another conversation, so as not to be my next "victim." We chatted briefly that night and each moved on to other parties.

As fate would have it our dorm rooms would share the same wall. I lived in Bevier Hall, suite 313D. She lived in Bevier, suite 312D. Her name was Keri, she was from Long Island, and had a boyfriend of two years. And she was totally uninterested in me. But being the persistent and goal orientated person that I am, I mapped out my strategy. 

Easier said than done, I became her friend. I was her confidant, her sounding board, her advisor, and yes, her personal servant. I cooked her dinner, did her laundry, and took her phone messages. On her nights to town with the girls, I'd listen to her antics at 4:00 in the morning. I was slowly, but surely winning a place in her life. It may not have been exactly what I had in mind, but it was a start.

Larry and Keri WeinbergerThis went on for about three months, when I began to realize she was having more fun with this than I was! So I raised the stakes. I started dating a few different girls from campus and slowly was becoming unavailable to Keri. Yes, I was playing the game. She was all that I ever wanted and I knew that I was all that she wanted, yet I just had to make her see that.

At Bevier's last party of the semester before holiday break, I brought a girl that I had dated a few times (funny I can't remember her name.) Of course, Keri saw us, and I was pleased to see that she was less than thrilled. At one point, we all had a snowball fight. Keri nailed my date, but good. She was finally starting to see the light. I sent my date on her way and Keri and I exchanged our first "serious" words. She told me that if she wasn't already committed to someone, then I would be the man in her life. Music to my ears!


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