Psychological Counseling Center

Crisis Intervention

In most circumstances, the difficulties that you face can be addressed through the usual process of setting up an appointment with a Psychological Counseling Center (PCC) clinician and discussing your issues of concern. At other times, you may experience a mental health crisis which requires immediate or same-day intervention by a PCC therapist. Mental health resources on campus are especially designed to respond to student needs during times of extreme duress/crisis. A PCC clinician is always on-call to respond to these needs. 


For mental health crises occurring during the weekday/daytime hours (M-F 8:30am-5:00pm during the academic year), students should contact the PCC by calling (845) 257-2920 or by going directly to the PCC office. Students should inform the administrative assistant that they are experiencing a crisis and request a same-day appointment. Students may also be asked to complete a brief questionnaire about the crisis. 


If a mental health crisis arises after hours or on the weekends, while school is in session: 

Students living on campus are advised to notify their Resident Advisor (RA) or Resident Director (RD) of the crisis, who may decide to consult with PCC and put the student in contact with the PCC "Emergency Contact for Student Consult" (ECSC). Students may also choose to contact the PCC directly (845-257-2920) and follow the automated prompts to reach our answering service. 

Students living off campus should call the PCC office at 845-257-2920 and follow the automated prompts to reach our answering service. Ask to be connected to the PCC "Emergency Contact for Student Consult" (ECSC); the answering service will in turn alert a PCC clinician and the student will receive a return call promptly. Please keep your phone near you, ensure that your phone can receive calls from private numbers, and ensure that the ECSC therapist can leave you a voicemail in the event that the call is missed. 


For assistance with a life-threatening emergency to yourself or others, call University Police at 845-257-2222 for on-campus support. If off-campus, please call 911. 


All students may choose to dial 911 directly.  However, doing so puts students in contact with Ulster County Emergency Services Department in Kingston, NY (or the emergency services wherever you are located), which are not connected directly with SUNY New Paltz, but may work collaboratively with the University Police Department. To ensure the fastest response, on-campus students are encouraged to call the PCC office (845-257-2920) or University Police (845-257-2222) directly. 

Please note: Campus "Blue light phones" and elevator "Help" buttons connect directly to an emergency line at the University Police Department (UPD). 


Students in crisis who wish to speak with a trained peer volunteer rather than a PCC mental health professional, may call the  OASIS Peer Support Hotline Service at 845-257-4945 or stop by the OASIS office in Lenape Hall -North Entrance (facing Ridgeview Hall) between the hours of 8pm to 12am daily. 

Students experiencing sexual assault, rape, or relationship violence who would like to speak with a trained peer volunteer may contact the  HAVEN  Peer Support Hotline Service at 845-257-4930 or stop by the HAVEN office in Lenape Hall - North Entrance (facing Ridgeview Hall) between the hours of 8pm to 12am daily. Students may also contact a PCC mental health professional at 845-257-2920. See our Sexual Assault and Violence Prevention Services page for more information about additional supports. 

OASIS and HAVEN are open when classes are in session. 


Crisis support is also available by calling or texting 988 to reach the National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.    

Students can also utilize  the New York State/Office of Mental Health Crisis Text Line.  Text GOT5 to 741741 for assistance.    


How do I know if my experience is a crisis? 

While everyone may have a slightly different definition of a crisis, below are examples of situations wherein our therapists would encourage you to reach out urgently: 

  • Preoccupation with or uncontrollable suicidal thoughts, or behavior involving the immediate wish to end one's life 
  • Preoccupation with or uncontrollable thoughts or behavior involving the immediate wish to do serious harm to someone else 
  • Increasing urge to cut or engage in self-harming behavior 
  • Recent physical and/or sexual assault 
  • Persistent inability to sleep, eat, or get out of bed 
  • Hearing voices/seeing things that no one else hears/sees 
  • Actively experiencing overwhelming feelings related to past or present trauma 
  • Sudden/unexpected medical crisis or loss of a family member or friend 
  • Panic attacks that are uncontrollable and increasing in occurrence 
  • High risk for academic failure and/or dismissal 
  • Escalation in roommate/suitemate conflict 
  • Other issues that may seriously impact a student’s ability to continue their studies 

What if I’m concerned about someone else? 

The SUNY New Paltz community values a proactive approach in maintaining a safe living and learning community, and the PCC staff frequently provides assistance to students, friends, family members, administrators, professional staff, faculty, and other staff of the campus community regarding troubled students. 

If you are concerned that a student may be at risk to self or others, contact the PCC at 845-257-2920, call campus police at 845-257-2222, or dial 911. 

See the Concerned about a Student? page for more information.