Recommendations of the Study Group on Alternate Names for the Hasbrouck Building Complex (finalized on February 4, 2019)
We want to hear from you!
The authority to name campus buildings and grounds rests with the College Council on each SUNY campus. This 10-member Council, when it is fully constituted, includes nine community members appointed by the Governor, plus the current elected Student Association President.
If the New Paltz College Council votes to remove the current names of the six Hasbrouck Complex buildings, the Council will then need to consider replacement names. The College Council has formed a naming study group that includes College Council, students, faculty, staff, alumni and community members to generate a list of potential building names for consideration by the College Council.
The study group invites you to share your input about potential replacement names by taking this short survey. It is estimated it will take you only five minutes to complete. The survey will close on January 31, 2019, in order to review survey results and report them to the College Council by its next meeting on February 21, 2019.
Please note that current SUNY policy does not allow us to name buildings after individuals without a substantial financial gift.
If the Huguenot names are removed from the Hasbrouck residential complex buildings, the Huguenot names (Bevier, Crispell, Deyo, DuBois, Hasbrouck and Lefevre) will be preserved on the campus through a contemplative space that will showcase the College’s full history.
The results of this survey will be shared with the College Council as part of their deliberations about Hasbrouck building names.
Thank you.
Vincent Cozzolino
Alumnus, College Council Member, and Chair of the Naming Study Group