Where it all begins
Check-in July 7th from 9am-12pm in Lenape Hall main lounge
Check-out July 25th from 10am-2pm
EOP provides a full three-week residential EOP Summer Enrichment Institute, which will end with students finalizing their class schedule for the fall and establishing strong relationships with their EOP family.
Take Flight:
This checklist is meant to help guide you through the process of officially becoming a Hawk!
Sample EOP First-Year Financial Aid Package 24-25
Frequently Asked Questions
Checklist of Things to Bring
What Students will Accomplish During the Institute:
“READY” What does “readiness” mean to you? How do we help academically, personally and financially?
• Introduction to EOP and campus expectations and academic and personal support
• Working knowledge of Academic/Professional and Intellectual PILLARs
• Familiarity with basics of academic requirements and first semester schedule
• Rapport building with EOP Advisors, staff and campus community offices
“SET” How are you “set” to succeed? How do we give you a solid foundation and support in your new environment?
• Increased understanding of collaborative advisement to improve achievement strategies
• Working knowledge of Community and Health PILLARs
• Deeper understanding of personal motivations and how to use them intentionally to achieve goals
“SOAR” What will a successful start to your college career feel like? How do we provide ongoing support and keep you achieving academically and personally?
• Create new pathways to understanding campus and EOP support services
• Working knowledge of Emotional and Self-Actualization PILLARs
• Tools for making healthy choices within the campus community
• Strategies for exceeding your own expectations
*Weekends of fun include off campus field trips, on campus activities and alumni corner discussions and interactions.