Educational Opportunity Program

EOP Summer Enrichment Institute

Where it all begins


Check-in July 7th from 9am-12pm in Lenape Hall main lounge

Check-out July 25th from 10am-2pm


EOP provides a full three-week residential EOP Summer Enrichment Institute, which will end with students finalizing their class schedule for the fall and establishing strong relationships with their EOP family.

Take Flight

This checklist is meant to help guide you through the process of officially becoming a Hawk!

Sample EOP First-Year Financial Aid Package 24-25

Frequently Asked Questions

Checklist of Things to Bring

What Students will Accomplish During the Institute:

“READY” What does “readiness” mean to you? How do we help academically, personally and financially?

• Introduction to EOP and campus expectations and academic and personal support

• Working knowledge of Academic/Professional and Intellectual PILLARs

• Familiarity with basics of academic requirements and first semester schedule

• Rapport building with EOP Advisors, staff and campus community offices

“SET” How are you “set” to succeed? How do we give you a solid foundation and support in your new environment?

• Increased understanding of collaborative advisement to improve achievement strategies

• Working knowledge of Community and Health PILLARs

• Deeper understanding of personal motivations and how to use them intentionally to achieve goals

“SOAR” What will a successful start to your college career feel like? How do we provide ongoing support and keep you achieving academically and personally?

• Create new pathways to understanding campus and EOP support services

• Working knowledge of Emotional and Self-Actualization PILLARs

• Tools for making healthy choices within the campus community

• Strategies for exceeding your own expectations

*Weekends of fun include off campus field trips, on campus activities and alumni corner discussions and interactions.