On this page, you’ll find answers to parents' and guardians' most frequently asked questions by clicking on the questions below.
If your question is not answered on this page, or if you need additional clarification on any details, please email saturdayartslab@newpaltz.edu.
When is Saturday Arts Lab offered, and when can I register?+
Saturday Arts Lab (SAL) is offered in the fall and spring semesters and coincide with SUNY New Paltz's academic calendar. Class offerings vary based on enrollment.
Registration will begin prior to the start of each semester: in August for fall, and in January for spring. Notification will be sent out via email or posted on our SAL Facebook page. You can also sign up for our mailing list. Note: The email will come from fpa@newpaltz.edu and not the SAL email address.
Do you have a mailing list?+
Yes! Sign up for our mailing list here to stay up to date on course offerings and registration information. Please note that mailing list communications will come from fpa@newpaltz.edu and not the SAL email address.
What course should my child take?+
The SAL program is organized by age. Students should meet minimum age requirements for the class. If your child’s birthday is close to the start of the class, you should select the class that is most appropriate for their age and developmental level.
Putting a child in a more advanced art class prior to their readiness can be intimidating and stunt learning. On the other hand, some children need an extra challenge. Consider your child’s ability to socialize with older kids, rather than their artistic ability, when choosing a class.
Is there a waitlist for classes that are filled?+
Once a class reaches maximum capacity, a waitlist will be created. If a class is full, please refrain from signing up for an open class and requesting placement in the closed class. Enrollment is first-come, first-served.
Do you offer refunds?+
If your child is withdrawn from SAL before the program begins, you are entitled to a full refund. A 50% refund will be given if your child is withdrawn between the first and third weeks of the program. After the third week, no refunds are given, unless the withdrawal is due to a documented medical emergency.
No refunds or credits will be given for missed classes due to lateness or absences.
If the program is canceled due to unforeseen circumstances, a full refund will be issued.
Is SAL accessible?+
SAL is designed to be inclusive and accessible to all children. We are committed to providing reasonable accommodations for participants with disabilities. Please inform us in advance of any specific needs or required accommodations.
Smiley Art Building has an elevator on the west side of the building. A ramp is accessible at the west and east entrances of the adjacent building (Dorsky Museum), which has a hallway that connects to the first floor of Smiley Art Building.
Our preservice teachers are learning how to identify students’ needs and interests and how to work with students with learning disabilities. Please let us know if your child has an IEP or 504 plan. Additional details can be discussed with the instructor to help guide them as they work with your child.
Where are classes held?+
All SAL classes are held in Smiley Arts Building. Once you enter the building, there will be signage directing you to the corridor where SAL takes place. Course titles will be clearly posted outside the designated classrooms where they are to take place; room numbers will not be communicated beforehand.
Where do I park?+
Please park in the Library Parking Lot. You do not need to purchase a visitor parking pass. Please consult this SAL Campus Map for reference.
How do I get to Smiley Art Building?+
From the Library Parking Lot, take the stairs that lead from the parking lot up to the Fine Arts Building. If stairs are not possible, you may proceed up the hill to the right of the Fine Arts Building. Then follow the path to the west entrance of Smiley Art Building, which is located directly across from the Fine Arts Building and Sojourner Truth Library. Please consult this SAL Campus Map to guide you in the right direction.
Smiley Art Building has an elevator on the west side of the building. A ramp is accessible at the east and west entrances in the adjacent building (Dorsky Museum).
Can I stay with my child in the classroom?+
No visitors (parents/guardians, friends, or siblings) are allowed in the classroom during the class session. The exception to this rule is the class for 4 year-olds, who may need a scaffolded drop off in the initial weeks of the program. The SAL instructor(s), graduate assistant, and SAL director will assist with this transition.
You are welcome to wait in the Student Union Building, Sojourner Truth Library, or the Starbucks inside Parker Theatre while SAL classes are in session. You can also feel free to spend time in the Dorsky Museum, which opens at 11 a.m. (admission is free). Please refrain from waiting in the hallways. Special circumstances will require a discussion with the SAL director or SAL instructor(s).
What is the drop-off/pick-up procedure?+
You must escort your child to the program’s designated classroom in Smiley Art Building and manually sign them in. Children are not allowed to enter the facility unaccompanied; please be sure to accompany your child to their classroom and sign them in before leaving. Plan to arrive five-to-10 minutes early to sign your child into their classroom.
Children are picked up from their classrooms. Please plan to arrive a few minutes before class ends and wait in the hallway outside the classroom. You must sign your child out before they can leave.
Children will only be released to individuals listed on your authorized pick-up list. You must communicate any changes to this list in writing. If someone not on the list needs to pick up the child, they must present valid identification along with written permission from you.
Classes end promptly at the scheduled stop time. If you are more than 10 minutes late picking up your child, they will be taken to Room 206 in Smiley Art Building. If you will be longer than 10 minutes late picking up your child, please call or text the SAL director.
If your child needs to leave early, please notify the instructor before class begins. You should allow a five-minute transition time for your child to finish what they are doing and put away their materials before they leave.
Are make-up classes available if my child misses a class?+
Make-up sessions are not available due to the schedule and nature of the program. If your child is unable to attend a class, please e-mail saturdayartslab@newpaltz.edu.
Do students leave their classrooms?+
Occasionally, students will leave their assigned classrooms to complete a project in another room, the computer lab, or outside and around the building. Some classes may travel to the Dorsky Museum, the Fine Arts Building, the Sojourner Truth Library, or the greenhouse. Students will remain on the SUNY New Paltz campus for the duration of their class times.
What is your cell phone policy?+
Students are permitted to carry cell phones, but are discouraged from using them to text, surf the web, or play games during class. SAL instructors will ask students to silence and put away their phones during the class session. If having a cell phone out during class time becomes a concern, the SAL instructor will speak with the student directly, notify the SAL director, and talk to the student’s parent/guardian.
SAL instructors will be only using their cell phone to keep track of time, take photographs, or to communicate with other staff members. SAL instructors will remain focused on teaching and not communicate with friends and family during the class session.
When and where is the exhibition held?+
At the end of each session, SAL culminates in a final exhibition that takes place in the Fine Arts Building (FAB) Rotunda. The FAB is located on the way from the Library Parking Lot to the Smiley Art Building (SAB) on the right-hand side if you are walking toward the SAB. The exhibition is free, and all are welcome to attend.
All student artwork is collected throughout the SAL program for the final exhibition and returned during the exhibition. If you are unable to attend the exhibition to pick up your child's work, following the exhibition, we will send an email notifying you of the times and dates the artwork will be available for pick up. The artwork will not be held beyond those dates and times provided.
Will my child be photographed or recorded during class?+
You must provide consent for your child to be photographed or recorded by acknowledging and approving the media release form upon registration. If you change your mind at any time afterwards, please let us know in writing by email at saturdayartslab@newpaltz.edu. If consent is not provided, the program will work to ensure your child is not included in any photos or videos. If a student is inadvertently photographed, the photo will be deleted, or the student will be edited out of the photo.
Photos, videos, or audio recordings may be taken during classes for the purposes of documentation, research and education presentations, promotion, or sharing with parents/guardians and will remain in SAL’s archive.
Are food and drinks allowed in the classrooms?+
To maintain a clean and safe environment, only water is allowed in the program areas. Your child is welcome to bring a water bottle labeled with their name.
No food is permitted during art sessions. We encourage you to ensure that your child has a nutritious meal before attending.
What should my child wear to SAL?+
Children should wear comfortable clothing that they don't mind getting dirty. Art materials can be messy, so we recommend that children wear old clothes or a smock to protect their attire.
Do you use safe art materials with the children?+
All art materials used in the program will be non-toxic and age-appropriate. SAL instructors will supervise the use of sharp tools or any potentially hazardous materials. Students will be instructed on the safe use of all materials before beginning any project. Please communicate any allergies or sensitivities to materials to the SAL instructor before the first class.