Hudson Valley Future Summit

Closing Session

Entrepreneurship through Acquisition (ETA) 

Have you ever considered buying or selling an existing business? Entrepreneurship Through Acquisition (ETA), a blend of small business growth and entrepreneurship, has gained significant traction over the past decade. Unlike traditional entrepreneurship, which often involves starting a new business from scratch, ETA allows aspiring business owners to acquire and operate an existing, profitable business. This approach offers a more stable and potentially less risky entry into business ownership. According to studies, investors in ETA have seen an average Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of over 33% on search investments over the years. Such impressive returns highlight the potential profitability and sustainability of ETA ventures and show the value to both the entrepreneur and the investors. Learn more about the Hudson Valley Venture Hub's new ETA initiative as well as other ways the Venture Hub is growing the entrepreneurial ecosystem. 


Andrew BreenAndrew Breen 
Partner, The Buy Build Fund & Assert Digital Ventures 



Eliza EdgeEliza Edge 
Program Director of the Hudson Valley Venture Hub at SUNY New Paltz, a NYSTAR Innovation Hot Spot.