SUNY New Paltz is grateful to the many alumni and friends who have given to the college through their planned gifts. These thoughtful and generous gifts, both large and small, help sustain the educational excellence that is SUNY New Paltz.
For more information about planned giving, please visit
Ready to get started? The easiest way to join the Tower Society is to create a gift in your estate plan with a free will-writing tool, courtesy of our partnership with FreeWill. It takes 20 minutes or less, is legally valid, and is free to use. Click here to get started.

Dr. John Beetar ’74 ’76g
For more than 40 years, from playing Santa at Barkers Department Store in New Paltz to directing school programs at Johns Hopkins's Kennedy Krieger Institute, Dr. John Beetar ’74 ’76g has put young people first. Last year, he took that commitment a little further when, in anticipation of his retirement, he assigned SUNY New Paltz as the beneficiary of one of his charitable gift annuities.

Dr. Gerald J. & Marie C. Robbins Scholarship Fund
Gerald Robbins '78 had a long and successful career made possible by the love and support of his wife, Marie Colette Robbins.
At New Paltz Dr. Robbins discovered an excellent way of combining his love of chemistry with his love of helping people- a career in medicine. He later received his M.D. from the Medical College of Virginia at Virginia Commonwealth University, and completed his fellowships in Internal Medicine and Hematology/Oncology at the University of Connecticut John Dempsey Hospital.
During his 35-year career as a medical doctor, Robbins also served as president of the Florida Society of Clinical Oncology (FLASCO) from 2009 to 2011 where he spearheaded a patient advocacy program that is still in action today.
In an effort to pay it forward, Robbins established a scholarship fund in the family name to benefit future students. This deferred gift matures after the donors' lifetimes & will provide much-needed support to future New Paltz students.

Alan Dunefsky ’69 (Biology) ’91g (Humanistic Multicultural Education)
Alan Dunefsky ’69 (Biology) ’91g (Humanistic Multicultural Education) first walked the halls of SUNY New Paltz as a freshman in 1965. Alan graduated with his degree in biology, and following a brief visit overseas, he returned to work in the Athletic Department, where he served as a coach, administrator and educator for more than 35 years. Today, he is a trusted advisor in the College’s Office of Alumni Relations, reconnecting alumni with New Paltz and serving as a trusted source for College history. Alan and his beloved wife Françoise love New Paltz. It has been part of their lives for half a century. They have decided that they will support the College by making testamentary gifts in their wills. Their gifts will serve students and public education at the College for generations to come.
Bequest Language
Gifts given through wills are known as bequests. Bequests are the most common and simplest way of making a deferred gift. To make a bequest, simple add the following language to your will:
"I, [name], of [city,state ZIP], give, devise and bequeath to SUNY New Paltz Foundation [written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property] for its unrestricted use and purpose."
The tax ID# of the Foundation is:22-2141645
We are happy to work with you and your financial advisor to fulfill your intentions. Please contact Donor Relations at 845-257-3976 to discuss these and other types of estate or planned gifts.
Tower Society
Anonymous (14)
Mr. Arthur A. Anderson
Miss Susan M. Baggerman '57, '72
Ms. Mary Elizabeth Bannon '81
Mr. Stephen D. Becker '70
Ms. Lori A. Beer ‘94
Dr. John T. Beetar '74, '76g
Mr. Leonard Boccia '89
Mr. Francis '53 and Mrs. Bonnie Cahill
Dorothy Mullin Campbell ’62 and Luther Campbell
Mr. Paul '03 '11g and Mrs. Diana '01g Chauvet
Mr. Tom E. Cetrino '73
Dr. Alice and Dr. Horace Chandler
Ms. Robin (Shapiro) Choudhury '91
Dr. Mary Jane Corry
Dr. Arthur A. Delaney '53
Ms. Michele T. Di Palo-Williams '77
Ms. Megan (Goldsmith) Dinsmore '71 '74g
Ms. Elizabeth '07 and Mr. Bradley A. '07 Diuguid
Ms. Barbara E. Dorner '67
Mr. Noah P. Dorsky
Dr. Lynne L. Doty '75
Mr. Alan '69 '91g and Mrs. Francoise Dunefsky
Barbara ’84 and Bruce Esmark
Dr. Phyllis R. Freeman and Dr. David Krikun
Mrs. Gail K. and Mr. Joseph A. Gallerie
Ms. Helen Kolikow Garber '76 and Dr. Stuart H. Garber '77
Mr. Howard I. Goldblatt
Daniel Gonzalez ‘87
Mr. Drew Robert '76 and Ms. Donna T. Goodbread
Dr. Mekah Gordon '75 '80g
Ms. Alynn J. Greene ‘53
Mrs. J. Warren Healea
Mr. Matthew Healey
Mr. Richard C. Hessney '72
Mr. Everton H. Enriques ‘78 ‘83g and Ms. Jeannie Irvine ‘78
Mr. Darren Hernandez '91
Mr. Roark Herron '71
Mr. Charles S. Houser '75
Mr. Craig Jessup '75 and Mr. Jim Parsons '70
Ms. Claudia J. Justy ‘70
Mr. Mark I. Kalish '73
Mrs. Amy '62 (dec) and Mr. Lewis S. Kargman
Ms. Patricia Gisin King ‘60
Dr. Ronald Knapp
Jeffrey Korn '79 and Alyssa Korn
Ms. Ann Kubik '68
Ms. Christine NaLini E. Kuhnke '79
Dr. Mark '67 and Ms. Joyce '68 Lapping
Mr. Brian E. Logan, Esq. '86
Ms. Erica Marks
Mrs. Rosemarie A. McBride '60 '68g
Ms. Mary J. McEvoy ‘57
Mr. John Emerson McGowan '83
Ms. Myra Mimlitsch-Gray
Emily J. Monahan '89,'94g,'03cas and Michael J. Jurkovic
Ms. Emma E. '11 and Ms. Laura Morcone
Mr. Robert '68 '71g '80cas and Mrs. Henrietta '68 '71g Mountz
Ms. Lydia J. Nightingale '11
Ms. Gayle "Jake" Jacobs Olson-Binder '68
Ms. Lilla LoCurto and Mr. William Outcault
Mr. William Palladino
Mr. Gary H. Palmieri
Mr. David and Ms. Linda E. Patrik
Mr. Gary and Mrs. Janaki Patrik
Dr. David L. Peim ‘80
Ms. Elizabeth S. Perez '98
Mr. David Ping
Ms. Mary T. Rahe
Ken Ratner
Mrs. Colette Robbins
Ms. Lynda Schwab-Edmundson'78 '82g
Mr. William Edwin Sibley, Jr. '96 '99g
Ms. Dianna L. Smith '84
Ms. Ruth (Rusty) Smith '77
Joseph B. Sopala '92
Mr. Nicholas M. Stevens '03
William T. Stoakley, PhD ‘71
Faculty Emerita Phyllis M. Sturm
Dr. Giancarlo Traverso
Mr. Armand '54 and Mrs. Roberta Trivilino
Mr. Michael J. Uvanni PhD '72
Mrs. Karen Van Lare
Ms. Laura (Karlin) Walker '76
Ms. Millicent A. Wall '53
Dr. Laurie (Beckoff) Wellman '64
Mrs. Dolly Wodin
Dr. Allen M. Young '64
Deceased Members
Miss Agnes C. Adams '47
Dr. Yvonne and Dr. William Allenson
Ms. Alice J. Bartner '39
Dr. Ruth C. Bergman '44
Dr. Mary E. Boyle
Mr. Edwin '38 and Mrs. Louise Braem
Mr. Lawrence Braun
Dr. Karl O. Budmen
Mr. Arvid C. and Mrs. Mary Gallagher Burke '28
Ms. Theresa Ceruti
Ms. Karen A. Chaffee '91, '94g
Ms. Anita S. Christoffel-Pell '62 '67g
Ms. Ruth Cleveland
Ms. Adah M. Copeland '25
Ms. Ruth P. Cummings '65
Ms. Wokie O. David '75
Ms. Ruth DeRoberts '20
Mr. Edwin B. Dezendorf '57
Mr. Samuel Dorsky
Professor Frank and Mrs. Gertrude Eckelt
Ms. Lulu J. Eisenhauer
Mr. Alfred H. Enlund '39
Ms. Grace E. Elliott
Mrs. Ida Gerald '31
Ms. Evelyn Gluckman PhD '58
Mr. William J. Hageny
Professor Emerita Barbara Hardgrave
Mr. Oscar and Mrs. Freda '30 Heinz
Mrs. Dorothea Hopfer '19
Mr. O. Lincoln Igou
Mr. Edgar E. Jackson
Mr. Norman Kellar, Esq.
Miss Elaine Kniffen '36
Dr. Helen E. Kochant
Mr. Spencer Gary Koslov '74
Dr. Sara F. Luther '74g
Mr. John Emerson McGowan '83
Mr. Ted Moy '53
Ms. Anne E. Mungeer '11
Mr. Hugo Munsterberg
Dr. John J. Neumaier
Mrs. Joan E. Palladino '62
Marcuse Pfeifer
Dr. Robert Presbie
Mr. Louis and Mrs. Mildred Resnick
Dr. Gerald Robbins '78
Dr. Olga Santora
Mrs. Nadia L. Shepard
Professor Douglas and Mrs. Audrey Sheppard
Professor James G. Shine
Mr. David H. Smith
Mrs. Muriel Smolen
Ms. Iris Stedener
Sarah R. Sykes ‘69
Dr. Margaret Wade-Lewis
Professor Evelyn Acomb and Professor Herman Walker
Mr. Albert Wang
Professor Lilian Whitford
Professor Susan Wisherd
Professor Martin H. Wodin PhD