Under New York State Public Health Law, all college students with an on campus presence are required to submit proof of immunity to these three diseases: measles, mumps and rubella (MMR).
We will accept either of these documentation options as proof of your MMR immunity:
A copy of your immunizations (including exact vaccination dates) on an official government, school or physician’s letterhead showing the office’s printed name, address and telephone number.
A copy of a lab report showing an IgG Measles, Mumps and Rubella blood test that confirms your immunity.
Age Exemption - Born before 1957
Religious Exemption Form (Notarized) - see Forms
Medical Exemption Form (Physician Signature & Stamp) - see Forms
Note: All documentation must be in English and must list the student’s name and date of birth.
Under New York State Public Health Law, all college students must receive and acknowledge receipt of information on Meningococcal meningitis — a rare but potentially fatal bacterial infection of the brain.
Meningitis Vaccination Requirements (one of the below is acceptable):
- MenACWY (Menactra, Menveo, MenQuadfi) vaccine - within the past 5 years or
- MenB (Bexsero, Trumenba) vaccine - Completed 2 or 3 dose series
Students who have not completed the above vaccination series may alternatively choose to read the New York State Department of Health’s Meningitis Disease Fact Sheet and sign the Meningitis Vaccination Response Form indicating that the student will not obtain immunization against meningococcal disease. These are available on Medicat, or in Forms.
Athletes ONLY: Must submit a recent physical done in the past year.
Minors ONLY: Must submit a Parental Consent Form to be evaluated or treated at the Student Health Service.
*All immunization and medical documents need to be uploaded to Medicat (Student's Patient Portal).*
Failure to comply with the above New York State regulations will result in a hold being placed on your account or you may be subject to disenrollment without refund of tuition after 30 days.
To prove immunity to measles (also called rubeola), students must submit one of these two forms of documentation:
Documentation of two doses of live measles vaccine, administered after 12 months of age and at least 28 days apart. The records must include exact dates of vaccination.
Results of a blood test showing immunity to measles. A copy of the lab report must be included.
To prove immunity to mumps, students must submit one of these two forms of documentation:
Documentation of one dose of live mumps vaccine, administered after 12 months of age. The records must include exact dates of vaccination.
Results of a blood test showing immunity to mumps. A copy of the lab report must be included.
To prove immunity to rubella (also called German measles), students must submit one of these two forms of documentation:
Documentation of one dose of live rubella vaccine, administered after 12 months of age. The records must include exact dates of vaccination.
Results of a blood test showing immunity to rubella. A copy of the lab report must be included.