Inside Cover

Vigilance by students, faculty and staff has helped keep SUNY New Paltz COVID-19 cases low on campus.

In the classrooms and on the paths crisscrossing campus, adherence to the safety protocols of wearing masks and social distancing is in plain sight. We know that wearing masks and keeping a safe distance works not only in keeping us as individuals safe, but also works to keep our New Paltz community safe.

"We not me" is more than three simple words. It's a state of mind, a considerate and empathetic approach to our place in our communities that has enabled us to move forward in these unprecedented and uncertain times. Thank you to our students, faculty, staff and visitors for protecting our community!

Read more about the Pledge to Protect New Paltz online. 


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soaring higher: the campaign for SUNY new paltz
annual report on generosity
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