Policy Board Vacancies for Orange and Ulster Counties:
Policy Board Vacancy Announcement March 2025
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The mission of the Mid-Hudson Teacher Center [MHTC] is to enhance teaching as a profession and provide teachers with state of the art strategies and technologies in order to foster student achievement. The Mid-Hudson Teacher Center responds to the needs and interests of over 10,000 educators, along with parents and community members in Dutchess, Ulster and Orange counties. The Teacher Center endorses reflective practice, continuous inquiry, and collegiality. The center celebrates the talents of teachers, and encourages the sharing of those talents with others. In these challenging times, MHTC offers educators a variety of learning and delivery options that reflect current societal demands. The teacher center is a place where the educator's voice is heard and a community of learners is built!
MHTC is housed at SUNY New Paltz, in Old Main Building Room 223
To contact us please email mhtc@newpaltz.edu or call 845-257-2885
Our office is open Monday - Thursday from 9am-4pm (later by appointment). Please call ahead if you are coming from a distance.
Office Staff
Director: JoAnn Murphy-Genter
Assistant Director: Paul Rubeo
Administrative Aide: Jessica Young
Project Managers
Cassie Horton: Technology Integration and STEAM chorton@mhtc.newpaltz.edu
Dana Brown: Safe and Supportive Schools dbrown@mhtc.newpaltz.edu
Mathew Swerdloff: Higher Education Programs swerdlom@newpaltz.edu
Tamara Natoli: Humanities tnatoli@mhtc.newpaltz.edu
Samrat Pathania: Science and Sustainability samratpathania@protonmail.com
Policy Board Officers
- Chair: Monica Baker
- Vice-Chair: Lauren Maggio
- Secretary: Mindy Grey
- Treasurer: Roberta Clements
Policy Board Composition
LEA representative -Sal Contes, Arlington CSD
College / University Representative - Devon Duhaney, SUNY New Paltz
Business / Industry Representative - Johnnieanne Hansen, The Council of Industry
Non-public School Representative - Shannon Elliffe, Mid-Hudson Early Education Center of Westchester Medical
Parent Representative - Nicole Neczesny-Altieri (Spackenkill)
2 members at large - Robert Bloom, rmbloom679@gmail.com and Ruta Ronis, rutaronis@gmail.com
2 Orange County Representatives
- Lauren Maggio, Orange-Ulster BOCES, laurenmaggio6610@gmail.com
- Teresia Parker, Minisink Valley CSD, tparker@minisink.com
4 Ulster County Representatives
- Corey Cavallaro, Onteora CSD, ccavallaro@onteora.k12.ny.us
- Jennifer Ippolito, Wallkill CSD, jippolito@wallkillcsd.k12.ny.us
- Sarah Elia, Saugerties CSD, selia@saugerties.k12.ny.us
- Benjamin Liberatore, New Paltz CSD, tnaclerio@newpaltz.k12.ny.us
5 Dutchess County Representatives
- Aileen Basuljevic, Wappingers CSD, aileenbasuljevic@wcsdny.org
- Karen Crichton, Spackenkill Union Free School District karen.crichton@sufsdny.org
- Mindy Grey, Arlington CSD, mgrey@acsdny.org
- Monica Baker, Webutuck CSD, monica.baker@webutuck.org
- Roberta Clements, Beacon City School District clements.r@beaconk12.org
2024-2025 Policy Board Meeting Dates (subject to change)
Most board meetings are held in person at two or more sites connected synchronously online via Zoom (unless otherwise noted) from 4:30pm to 6:00pm. If you are interested in attending a meeting at one of those sites, please email murphygj@newpaltz.edu for the link. - 1st meeting 9/25/2024
- 2nd meeting Tuesday, 10/22/24 at 4:30 in two locations: The first floor library at Arlington High School (Classroom # 1349) and the CMC Room 215, Old Main Building SUNY New Paltz.
- 3rd meeting Wednesday, 12/11/24 at 4:30 in two locations: Arlington High School Library and the CMC Room 215, Old Main Building SUNY New Paltz.
- 4th meeting Wednesday, 2/12/25 at 4:30 in two locations: Arlington High School Library and the CMC Room 215, Old Main Building SUNY New Paltz.
- 5th meeting Wednesday, 4/9/25 at 4:30 in two locations: Arlington High School Library and the CMC Room 215, Old Main Building SUNY New Paltz.
- 6th meeting Thursday, 5/29/25 at 4:30 in two locations: Arlington High School Library and the CMC Room 215, Old Main Building SUNY New Paltz.