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Office of Communication & Marketing

Experts by Name

Kristine Harris, History (Associate Professor)
  E-mail Address: harrisk@newpaltz.edu

Aaron Haselton, Biology (Associate Professor)
  E-mail Address: haseltoa@newpaltz.edu

Eugene Heath, Philosophy (Professor)
  Office Phone: 845-257-2981
  Home Phone: 845-255-4967
  E-mail Address: heathe@newpaltz.edu

Catherine Herne, Physics & Astronomy (Assistant Professor)
  E-mail Address: hernec@newpaltz.edu

Caroline Hopenwasser, Teaching and Learning (Assistant Professor)
  E-mail Address: hopenwac@newpaltz.edu

Maureen Hopkins, Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
  E-mail Address: hopkinsm@newpaltz.edu