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Office of Communication & Marketing

Experts by Topic

Video Processing

Faramarz Vaziri, Engineering Programs (Associate Professor)
  E-mail Address: vazirif@newpaltz.edu

Village government

Gerald Benjamin, CRREO (Distinguished Teaching Professor)
  Office Phone: 845-257-2901
  E-mail Address: benjamig@newpaltz.edu

Visual Art and Performance Studies

Jessica Pabón, Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (Assistant Professor)
  E-mail Address: pabonj@newpaltz.edu

visual culture

Kristine Harris, History (Associate Professor)
  E-mail Address: harrisk@newpaltz.edu

Rachel Somerstein, Digital Media & Journalism (Assistant Professor)
  Office Phone: 845-257-3089
  E-mail Address: somerstr@newpaltz.edu


Robert Lukomski, Music
  E-mail Address: lukomskr@zmail.newpaltz.edu