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Name: Jonathan Vaughn
Title: Executive Director of Development
Academic Rank: N/A (Professional Staff)
Department: Development - Foundation

Expertise Keywords: active imagination, analytical psychology, archetypal psychology, archetypes, collective unconscious, complexes, consciousness, depth psychology, Development, donor communications; Psychology, dreams, Fundraising, imaginal, Jungian psychology, myths, Philanthropy, place., psyche, symbols, unconscious

Available For: interviews, essays, speaking

Expertise: Jonathan has worked in higher education and the not-for-profit sector for more than 18 years, including for Cambridge in America (the US office of the University and Colleges of Cambridge, UK), the City University of New York, The Music Center (the Performing Arts Center of Los Angeles County), and SUNY New Paltz. Work at these organizations has focused on philanthropy and communications, especially amidst high-profile capital campaigns. Jonathan earned his Ph.D. in Depth Psychology, with an emphasis in Jungian and Archetypal Studies, as well as an M.A., from Pacifica Graduate Institute in Santa Barbara, California. He is currently a Board member of the International Association of Jungian Studies (IAJS), where he seeks to promote awareness of Jungian studies globally. He writes on and researches the effects of the unconscious psyche and its influence on and importance in the life of both individuals and society as a whole.

Currrent Research: Depth psychological research currently focuses on stones, cairns, petroforms, and lithic sites across the globe, but especially in Woodstock, New York, and the Hudson Valley region. Broader Jungian and archetypal research interests include dream analysis, active imagination, cultural complex theory, and the psychology of place, particularly in the age of climate change.

Contact Information

E-mail Address: vaughnj@newpaltz.edu
Home Phone: 917-447-6364
Personal Web Site: https://pacifica.academia.edu/JonathanVaughn

Other Information

Positions held prior to joining SUNY New Paltz:
Assistant Vice President, The Music Center (Performing Arts Center of Los Angeles County)
Chief of Staff, CUNY Advanced Science Research Center
Director, Operations & Communications, Cambridge in America


Pacifica Graduate Institute 2015-2023 PhD 2023 Depth Psychology
Pacifica Graduate Institute 2015-2017 MA 2017 Depth Psychology
Baruch College, CUNY 2003-2005 MPA 2005 Public Administration
American Academy of Dramatic Arts 1999-2001 AOS 2001 Acting
Hampden-Sydney College 1994-1998 BA 1998 Political Science


Council for Advancement & Support of Education (CASE), Best of District II Award 2022 for the Soaring Higher campaign case for support

Other professional activities

Faculty Senate, Secretary of the University Faculty (2021-present), Parliamentarian (2019 – present), Senator (2020-2022), Alternate (2019-20)

Friends of the Sojourner Truth Library, Steering Committee Member (2022-present)

Sustainability Faculty Fellows, Faculty Fellow (2019-present)

Tree Committee, Chair (2021-present)

Organizational Memberships

American Psychological Association (APA) (Divisions 32 & 34) (2020-present)

Archives for Research in Archetypal Symbolism (ARAS) (2015-present)

Council for Advancement & Support of Education (CASE) (2005-14; 2019-present)

International Association for Jungian Studies (IAJS) (2015-present)

Jungian Society for Scholarly Studies (JSSS) (2015-present)


Vaughn, J. (2018). Soul-searching at Standing Rock. The Journal of Jungian Scholarly Studies, 13, 19-31. https://doi.org/10.29173/jjs11s