Key Assets of our Brand Standards
Our style guide provides us with the information and standards we need to maintain a positive and consistent image of SUNY New Paltz. It outlines complete details regarding our brand, logo, official typefaces, school colors, stationery system, as well as photography, digital and social media standards.
Logo System
Primary logo
Various applications of the logo as well as campus policy regarding ancillary logos are described in the style guide.
About the Logo
The official New Paltz logo is a mark consisting of a customized icon, typography and color. The strength of the icon for the University is in its ability to be interpreted in many ways. Our focus group participants told us it suggested “the mountain,” “the new Student Union addition [The Atrium],” “an open door.” It was seen as progressive and future oriented. All of these are reflective of the elements of our positioning statement—focus on our very appealing location, our student centeredness, and accessibility, all in a creative and forward moving environment.
The exact arrangement and proportion may not be altered in any way.
CMYK: 100/72/0/32
RGB: 0/61/126
HEX: 003e7e
CMYK: 0/59/96/0
RGB: 245/132/38
HEX: f58426
Secondary Color Palette
CMYK: 0/30/95/0
RGB: 253/185/36
HEX: fdb924
CMYK: 100/0/5/5
RGB: 0/165/217
HEX: 00a5d9
CMYK: 0/75/75/0
RGB: 242/102/73
HEX: f26649
CMYK: 23/0/100/17
RGB: 176/188/34
HEX: b0bc22
CMYK: 30/4/0/31
RGB: 128/161/182
HEX: 80a1b6
CMYK: 0/70/100/36
RGB: 168/77/16
HEX: a84d10
Neutrals Color Palette
CMYK: 0/0/20/4
RGB: 246/241/1205
HEX: f6f1cd
CMYK: 10/0/3/16
RGB: 194/209/212
HEX: c2d1d4
CMYK: 25/0/40/15
RGB: 169/195/152
HEX: a9c398
PANTONE: Warm Gray 6
CMYK: 0/6/12/31
RGB: 187/176/166
HEX: bbb0a6
PANTONE: Cool Gray 3
CMYK: 0/0/0/17
RGB: 216/217/218
HEX: d8d9da
CMYK: 0/2/8/10
RGB: 231/225/213
HEX: e7e1d5
Official University Colors
The university’s primary colors are PANTONE 281 and 165. Equivalent values for CMYK, RGB and HEX are listed under each swatch. Consistent use of these colors builds brand recognition and colors in the logo must not be altered.
There are many factors that can influence accurate color reproduction. In printing these include paper stock, ink coverage and line screen. For merchandise, the materials and types of inks are very different from printed paper. Web and other screen applications employ light, which is altogether different. It is important to use the equivalent colors in order to remain as true as possible to our school colors (PANTONE 281 and 165).
The Pantone Matching System is a widely used system of color specifications. Printers follow specific formulas for mixing ink, providing consistency and accuracy from design to print, and from print to reprint. This is often referred to as flat color or spot color.
The three hues of cyan, magenta and yellow are used with black in process color reproduction. This is referred to as full color or four color process.
Red, green and blue are the hues for light, used on the screen.
Hexidecimal code is for use in HTML, CSS and other Web applications.
E-mail Signature Standards
Instructions for incorporating the University logo are available online at in the Communication & Marketing link.
E-mail Signature Format
State University of New York at New Paltz (for off campus audiences)
___ Hawk Dr. (for off campus audiences)
New Paltz, NY 12561-_ _ _ _ (for off campus audiences)
phone (optional)
Branded Social Media Icons
The branded social media icons are offered for staff/faculty to use to promote their official New Paltz accounts and for an email signature. The individual icons can be found on, in the Communication & Marketing resource tab and under the “Email Signature Logo & Social Media Icons” link. Be sure to copy and paste your social media account hyperlink and assign it to the correct icon when publishing.

If you’re not sure of your address number and zip + four contact Mail Services at x3122.
Gender pronouns may be included below the phone number, and help promote a culture of inclusivity. E.g. – Pronouns: she/her/hers
Email Signature logo
"We Not Me" Wings
To make the icon work as a live link, right click it when editing your email signature, choose “Link,” and paste this URL:
Videoconference Backgrounds
Many popular videoconferencing applications, including the University supported WebEx application, offer the ability to use "Video Background" images, or "Virtual Backgrounds".
The University provides background images for this purpose here.

University Name
first reference:
SUNY New Paltz
subsequent references:
New Paltz
Academic Units
College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
School of Business
School of Education
School of Fine & Performing Arts
School of Science & Engineering
Graduate, Professional & Interdisciplinary Studies
Department of . . .
Administrative Units
Office of the President
Office of the Provost
Division of Academic Affairs
Division of Administration & Fiinance
Division of Development & Alumni Relations
Divison of Enrollment Management
Division of Student Affairs
Office of . . .
In General
avoid acronyms
avoid abbreviations
Unit Name Guide
Use the ampersand (&) rather than “and”
“Department of” and “Office of” preceed the unit name. For example:
Department of Biology
Department of Art
Department of Educational Administration
Department of History
Office of Payroll
Office of Residence Life
Office of Records & Registration
University Police Department (UPD)
("Department" follows the name)
Division of Engineering Programs
(to be consistent with national standards)
("Center" may precede or follow the name)
Career Resource Center
Center for Student Development
Names without the word "Building"
“Haggerty,” not Haggerty Administration Building or “HAB”
“Student Union,” not Student Union Building or “SUB”
When the day preceeds the month use ordinal words or ordinal numbers if emphasis is needed.
on the first of May
Thursday, the fifth of June
When the day follows the month use cardinal numbers
(Do not use May 1st, or May first, even though those versions reflect the way the date would sound when spoken.)
on May 1
Thursday, June 5
Use minutes only if necessary: 3–5 3–5:15
Use lower case with periods in text and all formal communication, such as invitations: a.m. p.m.
Use all caps without periods only on posters/flyers: AM PM
Class Year
Do not use a comma after the name or between bachelor's and master's degrees. Master's degrees are indicated with a lowercase g after the year, without a space.
John Smith '20
Jane Smith '20 '22g