Office of the President

College Council


SUNY College Councils are established, described and governed by the provisions of Article 8, Section 356 of the New York State Education Law. Each state-operated campus has such a Council. Each Council consists of 10 members, nine appointed by the Governor, and one elected by and from the students on the campus. The Governor designates one member as Chair. Council members appointed by the Governor serve for a term of seven years. Councils also shall invite a representative of the faculty and a representative of the alumni to attend regular meetings of the Council. Consistent with the statutory responsibilities of such bodies, they shall develop and foster strong relationships between their institutions and local communities and promote campus and University interests.

Public meetings will be webcast on the University’s YouTube events channel:

Webcasts prior to Oct. 4, 2024 can be accessed at Webcasts beginning Oct. 4, 2024, can be accessed at

Subject to the general management, supervision, control, and approval of, and in accordance with rules established by the State University Trustees, the College Council exercises a number of powers and duties. They include:

  • Recommending candidates for appointment by the Trustees as Presidents of their institutions;
  • Reviewing all major plans of the campus Presidents and making relevant recommendations before they are submitted to the Trustees for approval. The subject matter for major plans includes, but is not restricted to:
    • Appraisal or improvements of faculty;
    • Student admissions policies;
    • Standards for earning degrees;
    • Expansion of institutional plans
    • Student activities and housing.
  • Making regulations regarding campus facilities;
  • Reviewing and recommending institutional budgets;
  • Fostering the development of advisory citizens’ committees;
  • Naming buildings and grounds;
  • Making regulations regarding student conduct;
  • Exercising supervision of student housing and safety;
  • Reporting to the Trustees annually and at other times as needed;
  • Performing other actions directed by the Trustees; and
  • Making regulations necessary for the performance of their other duties.

Members of the SUNY New Paltz College Council are:

Eli Basch
Interim Chairperson

Renee Padmore-Baccus ’91
Alumni Representative

Neil Bettez
New Paltz

Ronald Law ’74

Xavier Morell '25
Student Association President

Julie L. Noble

Reynolds J. Scott-Childress
Faculty Representative

Abe Uchitelle '10

Eleanor Venables
New Paltz


Kenneth J. Abt
Previous Chairperson

Bythema B. Bagley ’83
New Paltz