Records & Registration

Cross registration procedure

The student should consult with the appropriate office to determine the impact of the cross registration on financial aid, repeat course and maximum transfer credits allowances (70 credits from 2 year and 90 credits from 4 year institutions).

Cross registration must be approved by Records & Registration by the start date of classes at New Paltz.


The following policies apply:

Undergraduate Students 

Graduate Students 

  • The student must have a minimum New Paltz GPA of 2.0. 
  • The student must be concurrently registered at New Paltz for fall and spring semesters. 
  • The combined credits for home and host institutions must adhere to maximum credits for each session allowable by registration policy. 
  • The student may request cross registration for a maximum of 6 credits (or two courses) per fall, spring and summer sessions. Cross registration is not available for the winter session. 
  • If the student drops or withdraws from all New Paltz enrollment while cross-registered, the host campus may bill the student for tuition. 
  • Permission should not be granted during the academic year if space in a suitable course, free of scheduling conflicts, is available at New Paltz. 
  • Cross registration can only be approved for courses that are listed on the progress report as major, minor, degree or elective requirements. 
  •  A grade of C- or better must be earned in the course to receive credit. The grade will not transfer and will have no impact on the New Paltz GPA. 
  • The student must have a minimum New Paltz GPA of 3.0. 
  • Cross-registration can only be approved for courses that are approved to meet degree requirements or required program prerequisites. Graduate students must complete and submit the Graduate Credit Transfer Request before cross-registration approval.  
  • The student must be concurrently registered at New Paltz for fall and spring semesters. 
  • The combined credits for home and host institutions must adhere to the maximum credits for each session allowable by registration policy. 
  • The student may request cross registration for a maximum of 6 credits (or two courses) per fall, spring and summer sessions. Cross registration is not available for the winter session. 
  • If the student drops or withdraws from all New Paltz enrollment while cross-registered, the host campus may bill the student for tuition. 
  • Permission should not be granted during the academic year if space in a suitable course, free of scheduling conflicts, is available at New Paltz. 
  • A grade of B or better must be earned in the course to receive credit. The grade will have no impact on the New Paltz GPA. 




Satisfies GE 

Credit counts 

Counts for major 





C/C-/C+ or better 



Maybe- check with department


Procedure (Read these instructions completely before starting)

Step 1:  Check the transfer credit course equivalency database  to identify courses that are already articulated at New Paltz and have been determined to meet specific requirements. 

Step 2:  The student submits the request for cross registration by using this link.  

New Paltz students who wish to take a course at a community college must submit a certificate of residency with their cross-registration application. To obtain a certificate of residence from the county of your permanent address, contact your county's designated office for information on how to obtain the certificate. County contact information can be found here

All communications about approvals and registration will be sent to student by email. It is important that the student checks the email frequently to be sure that important communications about advising, financial aid and registration are not missed.

Records & Registration will enter an "NPPXXX" course to indicate the student is cross registered at another institution.


Step 3:  Complete the course at the host institution.

Step 4:  The host institution will send the transcript to SUNY New Paltz Records & Registration for entry into the student record. Allow 2-3 weeks for processing after transcript is received. The student should check the progress report to be sure that the course has transferred and is properly noted.

  • A grade of C- or better must be earned in the course to receive credit. Only the credits, not the grades, will transfer. The student is responsible for having the official transcript sent to Records & Registration when the course(s) is/are completed. 

  • The advisor must use the transfer credit workflow to articulate any unarticulated courses on the New Paltz transcript.  Articulated courses should populate on  progress report as identified in the database requirements without further action after the transcript is processed by Records & Registration.