Undergraduate students have the option of electing a S/U grade.
Students have until the last day of classes, May 6, to elect the S/U option. There are limits to the number of times the S/U can be elected. S/U does not meet major, minor or degree requirements. They do not replace grades for repeated courses. For more information on the S/U policy, click here.
The P/F grade option is only available for spring 2020 letter graded courses. The P will meet major, minor, degree requirements and prerequisites but the F does not. Only the F impacts the GPA.
If the student is convinced that the grade earned will be a D- or F, then the S/U is the better option (deadline May 6). Otherwise, students should wait to opt for the P/F option (May 21-Oct. 16). Remember that the P option is not available for courses with an S/U grades, even if the S/U was switched back to a letter grade.