Undergraduate Research

Undergraduate Research
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Student Spotlight

A Look at Recent Student Projects


Glenda Rodrigues Santos Giordani

(Engineering, '25)

Hempcrete: A More Ecologically-friendly Alternative to Concrete



Oliver Similton

(Psychology '23, '24g)

Emerging Adult Perspectives on the Morality of Ghosting



Vanessa Grisales

(Early Childhood Education, '23)

Transinclusive Education in K-12 & Educator Preparation



Paloma Estess

(Biology, '23)

 Vertical Migration of Zooplankton in Regional Lakes



Brooke Cammann

(Art History & Chemistry, '23)

From “Perfecting” to Stabilization: The Evolution of Ancient Italian Bronzeworking Conservation



Katie Gudzik 

(Theatre Arts, '22)

A Year With Frog And Toad Takes the Stage




 Sophia Acquisto 

(Early Childhood Education, '22)

Researching the Hudson Valley's Historically Significant Places for the Creation of an Educational History App



Hugo Rameriz & Justin Boswell

(Mechanical Engineering, '22)

Assessing Electrical Reliability of 3D Printed Copper Structures 



Roy Ludwig

(Geology, '22)

Examining Microfibers in Laundry and Mitigation Strategies


(stories & photos courtesy of the Office of Communication and Marketing)