State University of New York at New Paltz
Residence Life
Mission Statement
Our Residence Life Program strives to enhance each resident student’s University experience by providing a variety of participatory opportunities for personal development through creating a purposeful living-learning environment that fosters leadership development, citizenship, and civility, while embracing the celebration and understanding of diversity.
SUNY New Paltz supports Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity and does not discriminate against individuals or groups on the basis of race, sex, age, national origin, religion, disability, veteran status, marital status or sexual orientation in education, employment or in any of its policies or programs. All actions toward employees and students are based upon performance related criteria. Further, SUNY New Paltz will not tolerate sexual harassment of employees or students.
It is a resident’s responsibility to read the contents of this document and adhere to the policies contained herein.
In addition, as a member of the SUNY New Paltz community, you are expected to read the Student Handbook in order to get acquainted with the campus’ regulations regarding students’ personal conduct. The Student Handbook can be found online at:
Housing Requirements
The University, in its student housing facilities, seeks to provide a living environment which facilitates the accomplishment of students’ academic, vocational, and social goals. This objective is implemented through such measures as the availability of counseling and advising personnel, enforcement of quiet hour regulations, promotion of educational, social, cultural, recreational, and leadership development programs; and a variety of housing options from which students may choose. The University requirements for on-campus residence are thus a part of an effort to ensure an optimal learning environment for students.
All students living on campus must be undergraduate students who are enrolled full time (enrolled in 12 or more credit hours) for the entire academic year. Students living on campus may not drop below 12 total credit hours at any point during any semester, without prior consent from the Office of Residence Life. Any student doing so will not be permitted to continue living on campus.
All single, full-time (12 or more credit hours) matriculated first year undergraduate students must live in University residence halls while enrolled for classes at SUNY New Paltz. However, this policy shall not apply to those undergraduates who meet any one of the following requirements:
- The student is a transfer student with a transcript verifying
- The student will be 21 years or older on or before the first day of classes for the Fall
- The student is residing at home with their parents or other closely related family members at a distance of 25 miles or A notarized statement signed by the parent or other close relative must
be submitted attesting to this fact at the time of admittance to the college.
- The student is a S. Veteran (a person who has served in the U.S. Armed Forces).
- The student is a Military Service Member (Active Duty, Reserve, or National Guard).
- The student is a Dependent of a Military Service Member or S. Veteran (Dependent is defined as either a spouse or child).
The Residence Hall License is in effect for the entire academic year (Fall and Spring Semesters), terminating at the end of the Spring Semester. This License is not subject to alterations.
Students shall not assign or sublet this License to any part or all of the Premises. Subletting includes short-term or temporary rental arrangements including, but not limited to, those offered through peer-to- peer accommodation services such as Airbnb, Craigslist, or Couchsurfing. Assigning or subletting will result in discipline and/or License revocation without compensation, as well as possible suspension or expulsion from the college.
All residence halls are designated as non-smoking facilities.
Table of Contents
- Welcome to SUNY New Paltz
- Office of Residence Life
- Residence Life Staff
- Community Living
- Residence Hall Governance
- The Residence Halls
- Specialty Housing Options
- Room and Hall Amenities
- Residential Services
- Residence Hall Policies and Procedures
- Room Assignments
- Triples
- Graduate Students
- Advance Room Deposit
- Residence Hall License
- Housing Key Code
- Room Charges
- Student ID Cards and Keys
- Meal Plans
- Room Condition Form
- Room Changes
- Room Vacancies
- Room Consolidations
- Room Cleaning/Decorating
- Room Furniture
- Accessibility
- Alternative Housing Arrangements
- Service and Emotional Support Animals
- Independent Living - Aides/PCAs
- Guest Policy
- Room Entry
- Financial Responsibility for Damage
- Work Order System
- Emergency Work Requests
- Water Emergency
- Power Failure
- Heat
- Cleaning Schedule
- Health & Safety Inspections
- Fire, Health, and Safety Regulations
- Prohibited Items List
- Smoking
- Marijuana Policy
- Pets
- Televisions and Music Equipment
- Cars, Motorcycles and Other Motorized Vehicles
- Bicycles
- Windows and Window Screens
- Solicitation
- Cancelling Housing Reservations
- Release from the Residence Hall License
- Moving Off-Campus
- Academic Dismissals
- Administrative Room Changes Due to Policy Violations and/or Behavioral Reasons
- License Revocation
- Withdrawal/Leave of Absence
- Refund Policy
The Office of Residence Life would like to welcome you to SUNY New Paltz. One of the most important phases of campus life is learning to become a responsible individual - responsible to others by respecting their rights and responsible to yourself by developing effective habits of study, self-discipline, and orderliness.
This handbook is designed to acquaint you and your family with the residence halls, facilities, and programs at New Paltz. Living in the halls can be an enjoyable and worthwhile experience if you take advantage of all that is available to you. After arriving on campus, it is in the student’s best interest to read all information disseminated via posters, correspondence placed in mailboxes, and communication through your official University Hawkmail e-mail account in order to stay well informed.
In accordance with the “State University’s Minimum Living Condition Standards for University Residence Halls,” the Office of Residence Life supports the Statement of Student’s Rights and Responsibilities adapted by the Association of College and University Housing Officers-International (AUCHO-I) described as:
Students have the right…
- To have free access to their living accommodations
- To live in a clean and secure environment
- To expect a regionally competitive price on housing accommodations and/or food service
- To have access to copies of University housing rules and regulations or individual building policies which govern individual and group behavior
- To the respect and safety of personal property
- To study without interruption or interference
- To be free from unreasonable noise
- To be free of intimidation or harassment
- To express themselves creatively within established guidelines
- To expect enforcement of the housing agreement/contract
- To direct access of staff who provide assistance, guidance, and support as needed
- To equitable treatment when behavior is in question
- To enjoy individual freedoms without regard to race, gender, national origin, disability, age, religion, sexual orientation, or political affiliation
- To participate in student governmental bodies, and housing departmental committees
- To individual and group educational and developmental opportunities in their living community
Students have the responsibility...
- To adhere to the policies in this handbook, as well as all rules and regulations outlined in the Student Handbook, which can be found at
- To comply with reasonable requests made by staff or University officials
- To respect the rights of others, as stated above
- To monitor and accept responsibility for behavior of guests
- To report violations of rules and regulations to appropriate staff
- To actively participate in self-governance
- To participate in housing departmental committees as requested
- To express themselves as individuals, as well as by association with groups
- To participate in judicial proceedings to determine appropriate standards of behavior
- To positively contribute to the community by participating in educational and developmental activities
- To meet expected room and board payment schedules
Office of Residence Life
The Office of Residence Life is located in Capen Hall. The Director and Assistant Directors have offices in Capen Hall and are available for appointments by arranging meetings through the office staff or by calling (845) 257-4444. Office hours are 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. during the academic year and 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. during the summer and winter breaks.
Residence Life Staff
The Office of Residence Life strives to create a sense of community for students by providing programs, services, and facilities that promote the educational, social, and cultural development of all residents. Over 250 students are employed by the Office of Residence Life to work in the halls.
Complex Directors
Complex Directors (also called Resident Directors or RDs) are primarily responsible for the overall operation of the residence hall. Complex Directors are full-time professional staff members who live and work within the hall and provide assistance to students with social, academic and personal concerns. The Complex Director supervises between seven and eleven Resident Advisors who live in the hall and are available to assist residents.
All Complex Directors have completed a Bachelor’s degree and are often pursuing or hold a Master’s degree.
Resident Advisors (RAs). An RA is a student staff member who lives in each house/wing of the residence halls and maintains a comfortable environment for 25-40 students. They assist, support, and develop living/learning communities through various programmatic initiatives. RAs provide administrative support for the department and the college community. They facilitate policies and procedures, floor meetings, conduct peer counseling, attend hall government meetings, and provide on-call duty coverage during the semester.
Senior Resident Advisors (SRAs). Veteran RAs can be promoted to the SRA position. In addition to fulfilling the majority of the same functions and responsibilities as an RA, the SRA of each building works in conjunction with the Complex Director and RA staff to ensure the safety and security of each building by managing the Nighthost program, the Work Order system and several administrative tasks designated by the Office of Residence Life and the Complex Director.
Complex directors select individuals for RA and Senior RA positions because they are outstanding students and leaders. Each is a New Paltz student with experience living in residence halls and dealing with academic, personal, and social problems. They are trained to handle emergencies, provide assistance regarding room changes, and work order requests. Information regarding available resources on campus and in the community can be obtained from the staff. Your Resident Advisor or Senior Resident Advisor will be happy to share this information with you and answer questions you may have about New Paltz.
Community Living
Life in the residence halls is exciting, fun, and challenging. You will learn about different cultures, interests, and values while your roommates and community members learn about you. While the Office of Residence Life strives to provide a pleasant and safe building, each individual who lives, works, or studies in our environment has a responsibility to be courteous to neighbors and to observe basic personal safety practices. To make positive contributions to your hall’s community, you must recognize and respect the rights of your neighbors. This collaboration allows for your growth as well as the growth of others.
Living on campus provides several opportunities to become involved in your University experience in a living/learning community that will help you to develop lasting and memorable relationships with peers and others on campus. You will soon find that your academic work in the University will be enhanced by the experiential out-of-classroom initiatives provided in your residence hall. It is our goal to provide you with as many new learning experiences as possible that will benefit your overall growth and development as a productive citizen in society. We encourage you to take the time to learn new things, experience new ideas, and develop new friendships while living in our community.
The quality of the environment that each resident establishes will be very important. This will be greatly affected by the personal belongings that students elect to bring with them as well as the relationship they establish with their roommate(s) and/or suitemates. Living with a roommate(s) and/or suitemates can be a rewarding learning experience, but as at home, some ground rules need to be established. Talking to one another before difficulties arise is essential. It will be important to remain open-minded, respectful, and cooperative when sharing space with another person(s). Establish expectations of each other early in the year, before the stress of classes, a new environment, or other pressures get in the way of dealing with issues appropriately.
All residence halls have a mandatory Courtesy Hour policy. The residents of each house/wing, with the assistance of the Resident Advisor, enforce the Quiet Hour and Courtesy Hour policies. During this time, students are asked to conduct themselves in a manner that will not disturb other residents and respond accordingly when fellow students or staff request for noise to be lowered.
In addition, students are expected to be considerate of the rights of other students who may be studying or sleeping at all times. Specifically, students are expected to maintain Quiet Hours, Sunday through Thursday, 10:00 p.m. to 7a.m. the next day, and Friday and Saturday, from 11:00 p.m. until 11:00 a.m. the next day. At all other times, Courtesy Hours exist, i.e., reasonable quiet should prevail. Students must:
- Keep TVs, PCs, laptops, tablets, smartphones, audio equipment and other electronics turned down so as not to disturb others.
- Keep doors closed when entertaining guests.
- Keep the lounge doors closed while watching TV, playing cards, etc.
- Refrain from shouting, or running in the halls.
Every student has the responsibility to be considerate, as well as to ask that others to be considerate, of those who are trying to sleep and study.
Commons Study Days and Finals Week
Quiet Hours are in effect 24 hours a day in all halls during Commons Study Days and Finals Week.
Residents have an opportunity to elect officers to form a government whose duties include planning and implementing various programs for the hall community. All students have the right and responsibility of participating in self-government, to elect officers, to plan and engage in residence hall programs, to establish and enforce regulations necessary to provide conditions for personal, social and academic development. Residents are citizens and members of a residence hall community as well as hall government and are urged to participate. Look for informational signs and ask your RA how to get involved with Hall Government.
Residence Hall Student Association
The Residence Hall Student Association (RHSA) is a representative body that provides resident input into all phases of residence hall life. This is accomplished by providing a method whereby residents can work together to facilitate program activities, have a voice in the University administration, and recommend changes in residence hall policies. RHSA plans and supports programs throughout the year that offer a variety of social, cultural, recreational, and educational activities.
The student leaders holding these offices are eager for student input and encourage your involvement. RHSA is an active student body organization on both a regional and national level through its membership with the National Association of College and University Residence Halls. All residence hall governments are considered members of the RHSA and are represented on the RHSA Associate Council. The primary purpose of RHSA is to facilitate communication between the residence halls, to provide leadership training for hall governments, to provide programming for the campus, and most importantly, to work on behalf of residents in the investigation and resolution of issues and policies related to residence hall living.
National Residence Hall Honorary
The National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH) Phi Psi Chapter at New Paltz is one of over 170 chapters nationwide. Its purpose is to provide recognition for individuals who have been of outstanding service and have provided leadership in the advancement of the residence hall system at SUNY New Paltz.
The chapter members represent the top 1% of the student leaders on campus and are those who have contributed extraordinary amounts of personal time and energy in order to make the residence halls more than a “dorm.” SUNY New Paltz’s chapter of NRHH was founded in 1986, and can never exceed 32 members. Like RHSA, NRHH is an affiliate of the National Association of College and University Residence Halls.
The Residence Halls
There are fourteen (14) residence halls on the New Paltz campus. All buildings offer a number of student oriented facilities and services including a laundry room, computer lounge, a study lounge and a main lounge for hall government meetings and activities. The halls also have at least one television lounge, a kitchen area, for use by all residents of the building, and WIFI throughout the building. The halls are divided into three complexes:
The Parker Complex comprises Bliss, Bouton, Capen, College, Gage, Scudder and Shango Halls. These halls are composed of traditional corridor style hallways with single sex bathrooms shared by the residents of the section. Rooms are adjacent to each other with an entrance/exit into the hallway.
Minnewaska, Ashokan, Awosting, Mohonk and Shawangunk Halls make up the Peregrine Complex. These halls are made up of suites, each containing between two and four bedrooms, a common/living room, and a bathroom.
Esopus Hall has corridor style rooms. Each wing/house contains four clusters of four or five rooms that surround but are not directly connected to a public bathroom.
Ridgeview Hall has corridor style rooms. Each wing/house contains eight or nine single-user public bathrooms, which service two or three bedrooms each. Though the bathrooms are near two or three rooms, they are not physically connected to any of the bedrooms.
Lenape Hall consists of two types of designed triple occupancy rooms. Lenape Corridor Style rooms are large L-shaped rooms with a bathroom shared by the three students living in the room. Lenape Suite Style rooms include a bedroom, suite area, study room, and bathroom.
Specialty Housing Options
Communities at New Paltz is a living/learning community program specifically designed for First-Year students. This program offers three distinct living experiences featuring specific inter-disciplinary themes: Leadership, Health & Wellness, and Service Learning. First-Year students who choose to participate in one of these interest-based Communities will connect with other students who share similar interests, while gaining an introduction to the larger SUNY New Paltz campus and the surrounding New Paltz community. Students will have a unique opportunity to learn, explore, and connect with others in the context of an engaging academic and residential community. Students with a confirmed spot in one of the Communities on a first-come, first-served basis and will be assigned a room in Esopus Hall during Summer Orientation. Program details, dates and other information are included in the Communities at New Paltz application packet.
10-Month Halls (Halls open during breaks)
Ashokan, Bouton, Gage, and Mohonk are the only residence halls that will be open during Winter Recess and Spring Break, unless otherwise designated by the Director of Residence Life. Students who require on-campus housing during these times must select one of these halls as their housing choice. International students, athletes and student teachers are strongly encouraged to sign up for one of these halls. There will be additional rent charges for students wishing to remain in these halls during Winter Break.
One residence hall is available during the summer to students enrolled in courses. The summer residence hall can be a different one each summer.
Students must take at least 1 summer course taught on campus for each summer session they intend to stay in the summer building. Students who are only taking online courses cannot live on campus.
Room and Hall Amenities
As part of the living/learning environment created in the residence halls, New Paltz strives to provide a safe and comfortable environment for residents to sleep, study and socialize. Our residence halls boast a variety of services that give residents an opportunity to feel at home.
The University operates its own telephone system to provide on-campus, local, long distance calling, and voice mail. Room rent covers these services.
Additional charges apply only for directory assistance, international calls, and pay-per-call services (i.e. psychic hotlines, chat lines, etc.).
To set up a phone line in your room in order to make long distance calls, contact the Telecommunications Office.
Each hall has common areas including lounges, a computer lounge, vending machines, at least one kitchen and a microwave, among other amenities.
Each residence hall contains laundry facilities. Residents do not need money to use the machines as the cost to operate them is included in the room rent. Residents should report non-working machines to their hall staff or to Campus Auxiliary Services at (845) 257-3370.
These facilities are only for residents living within the residence hall. Residents are not permitted to let off- campus students or other guests into the residence hall to do laundry.
Personal mail is delivered to the residence halls, Monday through Friday. Roommates will be assigned a mailbox that is located in the main lobby area.
Special delivery, certified, insured, registered, large packages, telegrams, and Express Mail will be held at the University Mail Room located in the basement of the Haggerty Administration Building. Students need to present an ID and sign for these items in person at that location. Mail is not forwarded during breaks.
Important Addressing Information
In an ongoing effort to improve mail deliveries to campus, the United States Postal Service (USPS) would like to stress that the automated equipment which the USPS uses to sort mail, reads only the last two lines of the address, from the bottom up.
Please note that although the information reserved for the first two or three lines of an address is irrelevant to the USPS, it is essential to the SUNY New Paltz Mail Services Staff. Students should have incoming mail addressed as follows:
Minnewaska Hall Bliss Hall
1001 Hawk Drive 1002 Hawk Drive
New Paltz, NY 12561 New Paltz, NY 12561
Bouton Hall Capen Hall
1003 Hawk Drive 1004 Hawk Drive
New Paltz, NY 12561 New Paltz, NY 12561
College Hall Ashokan Hall
1006 Hawk Drive 1005 Hawk Drive
New Paltz, NY 12561 New Paltz, NY 12561
Awosting Hall Mohonk Hall
1007 Hawk Drive 1008 Hawk Drive
New Paltz, NY 12561 New Paltz, NY 12561
Esopus Hall Gage Hall
1009 Hawk Drive 1010 Hawk Drive
New Paltz, NY 12561 New Paltz, NY 12561
Shawangunk Hall Lenape Hall
1011 Hawk Drive 1012 Hawk Drive
New Paltz, NY 12561 New Paltz, NY 12561
Scudder Hall Shango/College Hall
1014 Hawk Drive 1015 Hawk Drive
New Paltz, NY 12561 New Paltz, NY 12561
Ridgeview Hall
1016 Hawk Drive
New Paltz, NY 12561
Students must either notify correspondents with the change of address six to eight weeks before leaving school for the summer and for extended, or fill out a change of address form with USPS.
Each hall has a trash and recycling area in the basement and a dumpster located outside the rear entrance/exit of the building. Students are required to take all trash and recycling to these locations.
The Village of New Paltz has a “source separate” Recycling Law which requires all residents to separate recyclable items from their trash before disposal. This includes rinsing bottles and cans and removing all caps from these containers. SUNY New Paltz prides itself in its efforts in sustainability and student cooperation with recycling is the foundation of its success.
Residential Services
This service is designed as an alternative approach to solving problems that develop between members of the University community. Instead of going through the campus judicial system or local courts, individuals meet with trained mediators to work towards a solution. The program strives:
- To serve the University community as a resource to resolve disputes.
- To prevent the escalation of disputes into more serious matters.
- To relieve the University judicial system and the local court systems of matters which do not need a formal court/judicial procedure.
- To teach individuals how to resolve their problems through mediation.
Some of the conflicts that are handled through the mediation program include:
- Roommate disputes
- Interpersonal disputes
- Personal property
- Small claims
- Aggravated harassment
- Organizational disputes
- Neighbor disputes
For further info contact your RD.
Students may access the Psychological Counseling Center weekdays 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. at (845) 257-2920 and the peer crisis hotline 8:00 p.m. – 12 a.m. at (845) 257-4945 when classes are in session. In addition, University Police is available 24 hours a day at (845) 257-2222.
Residence Hall Policies and Procedures
The Office of Residence Life at New Paltz is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination in all of its operations and facilities. Room Assignments are not based upon race, disability, creed, national origin, age, or sexual orientation.
- Due to limited space, preferences for specific halls, or roommates are preferences only.
- Assignments are made in accordance with availability.
- The University reserves the right to convert doubles into triples to accommodate on campus housing requests.
- It may be necessary at times to establish waiting lists for people to be housed.
First year and transfer students will submit a roommate survey consisting of questions about living habits during the summer.
Returning students select a room online for the following academic year during the Advance Room Selection Process in April.
The Office of Residence Life reserves the right to move students within and among the residence halls whenever necessary.
It is necessary for the University to convert double rooms into triple occupancy rooms or provide temporary assignments until standard double spaces are available.
A student who begins the year in a triple will pay the double room rent rate initially. A prorated refund will be credited to the student's account when one of the three residents moves out of the room or at the end of the semester fall semester, whichever comes first.
- Should one of the residents move out of the room prior to the end to the Fall Semester, a prorated refund will be given to the three residents.
- The prorated refund amount will be based on the number of days the three residents lived in the room. The Office of Residence Life reserves the right to impose a refund deadline.
Triple refunds only apply during the Fall Semester as typically enough spaces open up at the end of the Fall semester, which allows for all students who wish to de-triple for the spring semester to do so.
Should three students choose to remain in tripled during Spring Semester, the room will be considered a voluntary triple and no refund will be given for the Spring Semester. The only exception to this rule is if there are not enough vacancies on campus to allow students to de-triple by the beginning of the Spring Semester. If that is ever the case, students will receive in the Spring Semester for as long as there are not enough vacancies to de-triple every room that want to be de-tripled. Refunds will be discontinued when there are enough vacancies on campus to accommodate their de-tripling at any point in either the Fall or Spring Semesters.
Because the same rooms are tripled every year, all furniture must remain in the room even when one of the residents moves out. The remaining two residents will need to keep the triple furniture in the room. Having to keep the furniture does not entitle the remaining two students to a refund as refunds are based on the number of people in the room, not the furniture in the room.
Please bear in mind that the triple rooms in Lenape, Awosting, Mohonk and rooms 210 and 310 in Ashokan and Shawangunk halls are designed triples and do not fall under this category. Those rooms are designed for three people and thus, residents living in those rooms do not receive a triple refund at any point.
SUNY New Paltz does not provide housing for graduate students. An exception is made only for undergraduate students who live on campus in the Fall Semester and become graduate students in the Spring Semester of the same academic year. These students are allowed to remain on campus for the Spring Semester but must make other living arrangements for all subsequent semesters as they may not continue to live on.
Prior to receiving or choosing an assignment, a $100 Advance Room Deposit must first be paid online through, by calling the Office of Student Accounts at (845) 257-3150, or visiting the office (HAB 210). The Advance Room Deposit will be applied as a credit to the room charges for the semester.
All residents must read and submit a Residence Hall License. By submitting a Residence Hall License, a student enters into an agreement to adhere to the policies and procedures set forth by the Office of Residence Life for the period covered by the License.
An email will be sent to all first year students the first week in June. The email will explain how to submit a Residence Hall License online in order to receive a Housing Key Code prior to Summer Orientation. First year students may also complete their license during Orientation. Licenses will be made available upon request from the Office of Residence Life for students who cannot complete a License online and cannot attend Summer Orientation, and/or for incoming Spring Semester students who cannot complete the License online.
Students who are 17 years of age or younger must have a parent or legal guardian sign a hard copy Residence Hall License, which will be provided by the Office of Residence Life.
Current residents who wish to continue living on campus the following academic year will submit their Licenses during the Advance Room Selection Process.
The Residence Hall License covers the academic year (Fall and Spring Semesters) or from the time the License is submitted to the end of the Spring Semester.
All students who submit a License at the beginning of or during the academic year will be required to remain in the residence halls for the entire period covered by the License. This provision is in effect if the student is enrolled in 12 or more credits for the entire period covered by the License.
A Housing Key is a random 5-digit number assigned to a student for use during room selection. A Housing Key is generated automatically when a student submits a Residence Hall License online. When selecting a room, a student will use their prospective roommate’s Housing Key to sign the roommate up into the same room.
Current room rates for the academic year may be found on the SUNY New Paltz website here: tuition.cfm. The Board of Trustees of the State University of New York reserves the right to adjust charges in the future as the costs of operating and financing the residence hall facilities change.
Student’s Responsibility
Students must carry their ID cards and keys at all times. A student must present their ID card any time they are asked to do so by any college official. Failure to do so will result disciplinary action as outlined in the Student Handbook.
Cards/keys issued to a student are not to be duplicated, loaned, given, or transferred to another individual under any circumstances. Any student violating this policy may be subject to both campus and criminal judicial proceedings.
Building and Room Entry
The Student ID Card is used to enter the residence hall, room and/or suite.
A lost ID card must be reported to the ID/Meal Plan Office. They will de-activate the card and re-program the room or suite door. Students are responsible for replacement costs of lost keys and ID cards, as well as lock changes and reprogramming of card readers.
ID Card Costs
First ID card (new students) $20.00
Replace lost or stolen card: $10.00
Reprint of damaged ID card*: $10.00
* Student must return the damaged card.
All students residing in University housing must participate in the meal plan program. All first year students, first year transfer students, and international students under the age of 21 are required to use the Carte Blanche meal plan.
Beginning the second year or when the student turns 21, whichever is sooner, students can choose other meal plans. Options and prices can be viewed at
When students move into their halls, they will find staff ready to check them into their rooms. Each student will complete a Room Condition Form that specifies the current condition of the room and the furniture provided. All residents are held accountable to the original Room Condition Form. It is the responsibility of the student to check it over carefully, noting any damages at the time of check in. The student will be assessed a damage charge for any deviation in the condition of the room or the furniture at the time the student checks out.
Room changes are permitted (based upon space availability) after the second week of classes. If a student desires to change their room assignment, the proper paperwork may be obtained from the RD of the hall which the student would like to move into. All room changes cease before the last two weeks of classes. Students must check out of their old room then check into their new room during staff office hours between 8:30 p.m. and 11:00 p.m.), unless otherwise arranged with the RD.
Room charges are based on two persons per room occupancy. If a student fails to occupy a room or moves out after the beginning of the semester, the remaining resident can:
- Find another student willing to move into the vacated space
- Move to another room with a new roommate
- Have their room listed as a vacancy and welcome peers looking to room change, or
- If a resident does not have a roommate by the first week in February, the resident may take advantage of the Spring Semester Single Buyout Process if one is held that semester.
- If/when the Office of Residence Life opens the Spring Semester Single Buyout Process, an email will be sent out to all residents. In semesters where the Single Buyout Process is held, a student who does not have a roommate can pay an additional single room fee to keep the room as a single for the remainder of that semester.
- The Office of Residence Life will not guarantee a single if, after a student pays for a single room, it becomes necessary to assign another person to the room. In such cases the prorated balance of the single room charge will be refunded.
The Office of Residence Life reserves the right to administratively assign or relocate a person to any vacancy at any time, therefore, students who do not have a roommate must keep their belongings on one side of the room, and may only use on bed, desk, dresser, and closet/wardrobe.
Room consolidations are required in semesters where there are many rooms in which only one student resides. Consolidations are done in order to insure equity amongst residents and to maximize use of available space.
The Office of Residence Life understands that the house and hall community is very important. In order to not disrupt the community, consolidations will be conducted within each building.
When classes are in session
In semesters where consolidations are necessary, students living alone will get an e-mail notice explaining that consolidations will take place at a later date. It will be the student’s responsibility to find a roommate of their choice before the consolidation process takes place. Students who do not find a roommate will be paired up randomly. One of them (also chosen randomly) will be required to move into the other’s room.
Consolidations for the following academic year
After Advance Room Selection takes place in April, each returning resident who does not have a roommate will receive notices to informing that consolidation will take place and that the student will be randomly paired with another resident of the same building who does not have a roommate. Residents will be paired with people who signed up for a room in the same building and if possible, on the same floor.
Room Cleaning/Decorating
Custodial personnel are trained to clean public areas on a daily schedule. Residents are responsible for keeping their rooms clean. Peregrine Complex (suite style) residents are also responsible for keeping their suite and bathroom areas clean. Vacuum cleaners, mops, brooms, and other cleaning supplies are available for student use. There is a trash room with large trash containers in each building. There are dumpsters at the rear of each building. Dirt and other debris are not to be left in the hallways or bathrooms. The hall staff can help the suite members facilitate any meetings regarding a suite cleaning schedule.
Students are permitted to decorate their rooms within fire/safety guidelines. Residents are reminded that they are responsible for any damage to the walls as a result of hanging objects. Room/suite walls are not to be vandalized or written upon. All residents are expressly prohibited from attaching any item to the ceiling of the room or suite.
Each room is furnished with two beds and mattresses (sheet size: twin extra-long), two desks, two chairs, and two dressers (three of each in a triple). A special loft system is provided to students in a triple room. Rooms also have one floor lamp, one wastebasket, one recycling bin.
Each building (except Lenape) has two closets or wardrobes for hanging clothes. All rooms with built-in closets have closet drapes. Lenape Hall has three wardrobes as the building consists entirely of designed triple rooms that are larger than all rooms on campus. Students living in a triple room in any other building must share two closets/wardrobes, splitting them three ways.
Furniture cannot be removed from the room without permission from the Office of Residence Life under any circumstances.
Wheelchair accessibility
Facilities for students using wheelchairs are located in Ashokan, Awosting, Capen, Esopus, Lenape, Minnewaska, Mohonk, Ridgeview, and Shawangunk halls. Ashokan, Awosting, Esopus, Lenape, Minnewaska, Mohonk, Ridgeview, and Shawangunk halls are equipped with elevators. Capen is equipped with a laundry room on the first floor and a lift giving students using wheelchairs access to the main lounge study area. These buildings are equipped with wheelchair accessible bathroom facilities.
Visual alarms
Several rooms across campus are equipped with visual fire alarms.
Disability Based Accessible Housing Accommodations
A student seeking an accommodation due to a disability, must submit a Disability Based Accessible Housing application through the Disability Resource Center.
For more information, please click the link below, or contact the Disability Resource Center at 845-257-3020 or email them at
Disability Based Accessible Housing Accommodations Information
Wheelchair accessibility
Facilities for students using wheelchairs are located in Capen, Ashokan, Mohonk, Esopus, Shawangunk, Lenape and Ridgeview halls. Ashokan, Awosting, Mohonk, Esopus, Shawangunk, Lenape and Ridgeview halls are equipped with elevators. Capen is equipped with a laundry room on the first floor and a lift giving students using wheelchairs access to the main lounge study area. These buildings are equipped with wheelchair accessible bathroom facilities.
Visual alarms
Several rooms across campus are equipped with visual fire alarms.
Service and Emotional Support Animals
Service Animals
Students with a diagnosed need for a service animal should notify the Disability Resource Center and the Office of Residence Life at the time they make their Advance Room Deposit. A service animal is defined as a dog that has been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability. A service animal is the only type of animal permitted to enter all campus buildings.
Emotional Support Animals
Students who have an Emotional Support Animal as part of a treatment plan must submit a Disability Based Accessible Housing application through the Disability Resource Center.
For more information, please click the link below, or contact the Disability Resource Center at 845-257-3020 or email them at
Disability Based Accessible Housing Accommodations Information
Independent Living – Aides/PCAs
Residential students must be able to live independently, however if they need the assistance of an aide or personal care assistant (PCA), they must notify the Disability Resource Center and the Department of Residence Life at the time they apply for campus housing. The student must also submit the Disability Based Accessible Housing application which is available from the Disability Resource Center (see the link below). All late applications will be placed on a Wait List with no guarantee of on-campus housing. It is recommended that the student find local housing to attend classes, or study remotely online if they are on the wait list for on campus housing. If the student needs academic accommodations while on campus or studying online, they must have their clinician complete the Disability Verification Form available from the Disability Resource Center. The Disability Resource Center will work alongside their academic advisor to determine a new class schedule for online learning.
Aides/PCA Policy
Any student in need of assistance to live independently, must register their PCA or Aide with the Disability Resource Center and The Office of Residence Life. At least three (3) weeks before move-in the student must submit a copy of their confirmed contract with an aide or agency. That contract must identify the name of the person/agency and hours that an PCA or Aide will be available to the student. SUNY New Paltz cannot provide personal care or health aides to assist students with daily living activities and personal care. A student who requires a PCA or Aide but cannot provide one for themselves or does not submit the required documentation by the stated deadlines will be asked to study online remotely.
Policy & Procedure for living on campus with an Aide/ PCA
For each PCA or Aide to be residing (whether part-time or full time) with the student at the College, a copy of their criminal background check must be submitted to the Office of Residence Life. If the student is working with a contracting agency, the student must obtain a copy of the criminal background check(s) performed by or on behalf of the agency and provide it to the Office of Residence Life. If the Aide or PCA has not submitted a criminal background check or if there is any question or concern about the Aide or PCA’s criminal history, they will not be permitted on campus until such time as it has been completed and submitted. The student will be responsible for making their own alternate arrangements. The student is responsible for notifying the Office of Residence Life if the Aide or PCA is charged with any crime while working with the student, including summer and other school breaks.
For more information, please click the link below, or contact the Disability Resource Center at 845-257-3020 or email them at
Disability Based Accessible Housing Accommodations Information
Current SUNY New Paltz student guests (on-campus or off-campus) are permitted to visit the residence halls during the hours of 8am – 11pm, provided they follow campus expectations and procedures.
- Between the hours of 8:30pm – 11pm, the guest must fill out a visitor log at the RA Office. The guest must have their campus ID on them.
- If after 11pm, any SUNY New Paltz student visitor must then fill out the Overnight Guest Pass.
Non-New Paltz Affiliate guests (family, friends, college students from other institutions, etc.) are permitted to visit the residence halls during the hours of 8am – 11pm, provided they follow campus expectations and procedures.
- Between the hours of 8:30pm – 11pm, the guest must fill out a visitor log at the RA Office. The guest must have a valid state/driver’s license on them.
- After 11pm, the guest can stay overnight permitted the Resident Host completes the Overnight Guest Pass. If the form is not completed by the host, the guest cannot stay overnight and will be asked to vacate the hall.
Overnight Guests are permitted in the hall for a stay of 1 – 2 consecutive nights. Overnight Guests cannot exceed more than 4 nights in total within any given month. It is the responsibility of the host to receive approval from the roommate(s) to have an overnight guest.
Current SUNY New Paltz student overnight guests (on-campus or off-campus) are permitted to stay over in the residence halls, provided they follow campus expectations and procedures.
- The SUNY New Paltz guest must fill out the Overnight Guest Pass with the host present at the RA Office during duty hours (8:30pm – 12am).
- The guest must show confirmation upon completing the Pass to the RA on duty.
- The guest must keep the carbon copy of the Overnight Guest Pass with them at all times, and are required to show said copy whenever requested by a residence hall staff member, University Police officer or any other university staff.
- Both the guest and host must show their Campus IDs to the RA on duty as confirmation that they have their identification in their possession.
- Both the host and guest are required to show their Campus IDs and the screenshot of the confirmation whenever requested by a residence hall staff member, University Police officer or any other university staff.
Non-New Paltz Affiliate overnight guests (family, friends, college students from other institutions, partners, etc.) are permitted to stay overnight in the residence halls, provided they are 16 years old or older**, and follow campus expectations and procedures below.
**Children 15 years old or younger can visit during the hours of 8am - 11pm, but they cannot stay in any residence hall past 11pm under any circumstances.
Overnight guests that are 16 or 17 years of age must complete an Underage Guest Consent Form. The Resident Host must email the RD of the Hall 72 business hours in advance to request the form.
- A resident who wishes to host a non-affiliate guest (provided the guest is 16 years or older) must complete the Overnight Guest Pass with the guest present at the RA Office during duty hours (8:30pm – 12am) or with the Night Host (12am – 2am).
- The host must show confirmation upon completing the form to the RA on duty.
- The guest must show their drivers/state license to the RA on duty as confirmation that they have their identification in their possession.
- The host must show their Campus ID to the RA on duty as confirmation that they have their identification in their possession.
- The guest must keep the carbon copy of the Overnight Guest Pass with them at all times, and are required to show said copy whenever requested by a residence hall staff member, University Police officer or any other university staff.
- Both the host and guest are required to show their identification whenever requested by a residence hall staff member, University Police officer or any other university staff.
A student hosting any guest shall be responsible for their conduct.
- It is the host's responsibility to inform their guest about the college's expectations, rules and regulations of the residence areas and the University, and to make sure the guest adheres to them.
- The University reserves the right to cancel the privileges associated with the overnight guest pass at any time if the host's, or guest's behavior or circumstances on campus warrants such action.
The University recognizes and respects the student’s right to privacy. However, the University has the responsibility of maintaining the residence halls. For this reason, the University reserves the right to enter the premises for the purpose of health and safety inspections, securing the premises, and making necessary repairs. Prior notice of at least 24 hours will be given to the residents unless immediate entry is necessary due to emergency maintenance.
By submitting an online Work Order Request, a resident gives permission for University personnel to enter a room in order to make repairs, whether or not the resident is present when personnel arrives.
For Emergencies and Health & Safety Inspections
The University accepts the responsibility to maintain a safe and orderly environment in the residence halls, and therefore, reserves the right to enter the student’s room when:
- Ensuring the building has been evacuated when a fire alarm is sounded.
- There is a reason to believe that the health and safety of an occupant is threatened.
- There is reasonable cause to believe that Federal, State, or Local laws, or University regulations are being violated.
- During scheduled Health and Safety Inspections.
Except in emergency situations, no room will be entered without first knocking and allowing a reasonable period of time for response. Rooms will not be searched except when a Health and Safety Inspection is being conducted or law enforcement officials are exercising a valid search warrant.
Financial Responsibility for Damage
Occupants of each room are financially responsible for keeping their room and its contents intact and in good order. A Room Condition Form will be completed on the day the student moves into the hall. This form will describe the condition of the room and college issued furniture at the time the student moves in. When a student moves out of the room, this form will be used to compare the condition of the room on the check-in day to the condition on the check-out day. Should damage to the room or furniture be found that was not present on the check-in day, the student will be held financially responsible for the cost to repair or replace the damaged item(s). Charges for damages are based upon actual repair or replacement cost to restore the room or facility to its original condition. The resident will also be liable for any extra or unusual cleaning or administrative service that may be necessitated by these actions. Residents will be billed and the amount must be paid to the Office of Student Accounts immediately. Rooms will be periodically inspected for damages and health and safety violations. Findings will be reported and appropriate charges will be assessed.
Students are also financially responsible if their actions or those of their guests result in damage to the room, any area of the building or its contents and/or any other part of campus.
Anyone wishing to appeal a damage charge may do so in writing to the Office of Residence life within the academic year of the charge(s). Appeals after the academic year may not be reviewed.
If problems with furnishing or other items in the residence hall rooms arise during the semester, it is the responsibility of the resident(s) to submit a Work Order Request online on A member of the maintenance staff will make the repair or assess the damage. By completing a Work Order Request, a student grants permission for maintenance personnel to enter a room in order to make repairs, whether or not the occupants of the rooms are present.
Step 1 – The Resident
The resident is responsible for completing a student Work Order Request online through
Step 2 – The Senior Resident Advisor (SRA)
Work Order Requests submitted online are received by the building SRA who will review each request and forward it to the Facilities Operations Center. The SRA will update the resident with statuses provided by Facilities Operation Center.
Step 3 – Facilities Operations Center
Work Order Requests are distributed by the Facilities Operation Center to the appropriate shop (i.e., electrical, plumbing, construction, moving crew, grounds, etc.).
Step 4 – Follow-Up
Should a Work Order not be completed in a timely, or satisfactory manner; it is the responsibility of the student to contact the hall’s Senior Resident Advisor.
It is a student’s responsibility to inform staff immediately should maintenance problems occur in the following areas as they are generally considered emergencies:
- Plumbing
- Electrical
- Glass
- Locks
- Fire Safety Equipment
- Outside Lighting
- Heat and Hot Water
- Entrance/Exit Doors
- Any situation that compromises the health and safety of residents
Emergencies will be immediately called in to the Facilities Operation Center by the hall staff when brought to the staff’s attention.
SUNY New Paltz’s water is provided by local water sources through the Ashokan Reservoir. In the event that the water source(s) used by the University becomes undrinkable, the following procedure will be implemented:
- Facilities Operation Center personnel will contact the Office of Residence Life.
- Facilities Operation Center personnel, along with Residence Life staff, will post signs alerting the University community.
- Drinking water will be provided to each residence hall to be distributed as necessary.
- If the emergency situation is expected to last for a significant period of time, a water truck carrying safe drinking water will be brought to campus.
In the event that the campus does not have water for a significant period of time, directives will be given to the Residence Life staff via the Environmental Health and Safety Officer who is given directives from the local Board of Health.
In the event of a power failure, the following procedure will be implemented:
- All residence hall staff reports to staff offices.
- The residence hall staff will immediately begin to do rounds of the building looking for candles and situations that might compromise the health and safety of the residents.
- Due to security reasons, only residents living in the building affected may be permitted entry between 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. during the outage.
Residents should report all heating concerns to the hall staff, who will contact the Facilities Operations Center. It is the resident’s responsibility to inform the staff if the problem is not corrected. The SRA will keep records of heat concerns and to follow up with the RD should the problem(s) not be corrected.
Should a student’s room not be the required 68 degrees Fahrenheit or warmer, and Facilities Operations Center personnel confirm that the room has a problem that cannot be fixed while the room is occupied, the Office of Residence Life will relocate students provided space is available.
For information regarding loss of heat for an extended period of time, as determined by the Director of Operations for the Physical Plant, refer to the relocation plan on page 19.
Custodial staff is provided for trash removal and common area cleaning of residence halls. Common areas include hallways, stairwells, lounges and public bathrooms. Bathrooms are cleaned on a daily basis in the Parker Complex. Custodial staff and the Office of Residence Life reserve the right to lock a bathroom if extensive cleaning becomes necessary.
Hasbrouck Complex and Lenape Hall students are responsible for the regular cleaning of their suite area and bathrooms. Custodial personnel will sanitize the suite showers and bathroom facilities in the Hasbrouck Complex once a month and during Winter and Summer intersession, provided there are sufficient personnel available. Custodial staff is provided on the weekends for trash removal.
The custodial staff cleans the following during breaks:
- All common areas
- All bathroom areas
- All completely vacant student rooms
RDs and SRAs conduct Health and Safety Inspections of each student room at least twice per semester. This is to insure that safety issues such as overloaded electrical outlets, extension cords, major electrical appliances and other fire health and safety concerns or violations are discussed with residents and corrected. This allows the resident to become aware of safety issues within the room or suite. Hall staff will inform residents by posting signs of Health and Safety Inspections at least 24 hours in advance.
Health and Safety Inspections include visual checks of the entire room and/or suite. Is the room too dirty? Have bathrooms been cleaned properly and consistently? Have work order requests been submitted and/or completed? Does anything need to be repaired?
The inside of the closet or wardrobe will be visually inspected and staff may open closet or wardrobe doors and curtains to do so. The same applies for looking under the beds, where staff can lift the sheets or comforters in order to look under a resident’s bed. Residence hall staff will not open desk or dresser drawers or go through any resident’s belongings. The purpose of checking these areas is not to invade a student’s privacy but to ensure health and safety hazards are not present.
What happens when a resident fails a Health and Safety Inspection?
Residents will be issued a written Official Request/Warning describing the violation and requesting that said violation is removed or corrected.
If the resident(s) is/are present during the inspection, they will be asked to remove/correct the violation immediately by taking the item to the RA office, disconnecting some of the items in an overloaded outlet or legal surge protector, etc.
If they are not present during the inspection, a notice will be left in their room and the residents will have 24 hours to comply with the request(s). Failure to comply with such requests within the 24-hour time frame will result in disciplinary action. In cases where it is determined that the fire or health and safety hazard is too great, the item(s) will be removed by the RD, the Fire Safety Officer, or Health and Safety Officer inspecting the room and a notice informing the resident(s) will be left in the room.
Fire, Health, and Safety Regulations
SUNY New Paltz makes a concerted effort to comply with state fire, health, and safety regulations to maintain a safe living environment for students residing in residence life housing. Electrical appliances and additional items or actions which may be considered hazardous by the Department of Residence Life and/ or the Office of Environmental Health and Safety are specifically prohibited. Students are responsible for upholding the following regulations:
- All electronics must be listed by a nationally recognized testing laboratories, UL (Underwriters Laboratories)
or ETL (Electrical Testing Laboratories). - Personal belongings and/or college issued furniture may not block room egress or door swing.
- Residents are responsible for maintaining an adequate level of cleanliness in the room, especially on the floor, to prevent pests and to allow an unobstructed means of egress.
- No decorations or signs shall be displayed on fire doors, in stairwells, or on exits. Decorative materials may not hang down over doorway openings, or cover/obstruct any life safety device. This includes “EXIT” signs, emergency lights, smoke detectors, heat detectors, manual pull stations, sprinklers, fire extinguishers, AEDs, electrical panels, radiators, etc.
- Residents can decorate their rooms and suites, however, students will be assessed damage fees if the decorations, or methods used to decorate cause damage to any part of the room, furniture and/or microfrige provided by the school, or require SUNY New Paltz staff to remove them. Furthermore, the following guidelines must be strictly followed:
- No decorative material(s) shall be placed over or attached to any sprinkler piping, sprinkler head, smoke detectors, heat detectors, radiator vents, light bulbs or lighting fixtures under any circumstances.
- Residents are prohibited from attaching or hanging any item to the ceiling of the room or suite.
- All decorations shall be at least 2 feet from/below the ceiling. In rooms that have tack strips installed on the walls, items may not be placed above the tack strip line.
- The number of decorative material(s) shall not exceed 20% of the total area of the walls. Flags, tapestries, etc., are permitted if they do not exceed 36 inches in any direction and are not hung on the wall directly over a bed. Hanging a 36-inch-long flag or tapestry will occupy 20% of the wall it is attached to. No other decorations would be permitted.
- Decorations shall not exceed 10% of the inside or outside of the room door or suite door.
- All residence hall rooms have an Evacuation Diagram attached to the inside part of the room door. Students may not display, hang or install anything in a manner that obstructs the view of, or damages their room door’s Evacuation Diagram under any circumstances.
- Extension cords are not permitted. Students may only have surge protectors or power strips that have a reset button and and must listed by the nationally recognized testing laboratories, UL (Underwriters Laboratories)
or ETL (Electrical Testing Laboratories) - The college provides one microfridge (a refrigerator and microwave connected to each other) per room in corridor style buildings and within Lenape Hall. Each suite within Ashokan, Awosting, Minnewaska, Mohonk and Shawangunk has a microwave in the suite/common area, and we added a refrigerator in each bedroom within the suite this summer. Students are not permitted to bring their own microfridges, nor standalone microwaves. Should they feel they need one, students are permitted to bring a cube model refrigerator that is no larger than 3 cubic feet.
- Curtains must be flame resistant. Proof that the curtain is made of inherently flame resistant materials or treated with flame retardant and tested to Class A flame rating, must be attached to the curtains.
- Fans are permitted but must not be placed in the window or up against window screens. Damage to screens or window tracks will result in window/screen replacement and associated charges)
- The following items are not permitted in residence hall rooms or suites…
- Student owned microfridges or refrigerators larger than 3 cubic feet
- Microwaves
- Air-Fryers
- Hot Pots
- Portable Ranges
- Griddles
- Toasters
- Toaster Ovens
- Rice Cookers
- George Foreman Grills
- Popcorn makers
- Fondue Pots/Fountains
- Electric Pots/Pans/Woks
- Coffee makers/ electric kettles with exposed heating elements
- Hot Plates
- Crock pots, Instant Pots, and other electronic pressure cookers
- Lamps with plastic or cloth lamp shades/covers
- Lamps with exposed bulb
- Halogen lamps or bulbs
- Sun Lamps
- Lava Lamps
- Clip-On Lamps are permitted ONLY if they use LED lights. Other clip-on lamps are not permitted
- Power splitter cables
- Extension cords
- Outlet extender/adapter
- Multi-plug adapters
- Hoverboards
- Electric Blankets
- Air Conditioners
- Space Heaters
- Electric heating pads. Non-electric pads such as microwaveable pads are permitted.
- Appliances in need of electrical repair or which may be considered hazardous
- Vehicles with internal combustion or electric engines to include motorcycles, motorized skateboards, hoverboards, motorbikes, etc.
- Corn
- Hay
- Garland
- Tinsel
- Fake snow
- Fake spider webs
- Shag or high-pile rugs
- Straw decorations
- Crepe paper decor
- Metallic or Mylar decor
- Plastic door decor
- Full length door coverings
- Real Christmas trees
- More than 2 lenghts of decorative lights strung together
- Artificial trees, wreaths or other artificial vegetation without certification of fire resistance. Artificial vegetation with certification of fire resistance must not exceed three feet
- Doormats cannot be used outside the room or suite, nor inside the room, suite, or bathroom as they are a slip, trip and/or falling hazard
- Fireworks
- Oil lamps
- Scented plug-ins
- Grills of any type
- Grilling charcoal
- Incense accessories
- Candles with a wick (burnt or unburnt)
- Incense (burnt or unburnt)
- Butane/lighter fluid /gasoline
- Torches, including culinary torches
- Scented oil, wax or candle warmers of any kind
- Coals, including hookah coals. Hookahs that are free of coal residues may be stored in residence hall rooms.
- Art supplies consisting of flammable materials such as oil based paints, stains, paint thinner, aerosol paint cans, etc. These can be stored in lockers provided in the art building
- Water pipes, bongs, one-hitters, hypodermic syringes/needles not prescribed by a licensed physician, any scale or smoking apparatus determined to be drug-use related, funnels for drinking, kegs, decorative alcohol containers, including empty wine/beer bottles used for craft projects.
- Weapons are prohibited in the Residence Halls, including but not limited to: firearms, electronic dart or stun guns, gravity knife, switchblade knife, pilum ballistic knife, metal knuckle knife, cane sword, billy, blackjack, bludgeon, plastic knuckles, metal knuckles, chuka stick, sand bag, sandclub, wrist-brace type, slingshot or slungshot, shuriken or “Kung Fu Star”.
- In addition, we prohibit any knives, box cutters, BB, paint or air guns, archery equipment, metal tipped darts and hoverboards.
- All permitted items with a sharp edge must be safely stored away when not in use.
- All non-college issued furniture is strictly prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to desks, dressers, mattresses, headboards, couches, upholstered or wooden chairs, fabric-covered folding chairs, bean bag chairs, air-mattresses and other furniture items. Bungee chairs or small bookcases no larger than (36” Length) x (24” Height) x (12” Width/Depth) may be approved as long as they are not blocking egress.
- Storage units with any fabric covering, such as upholstered storage ottomans.
- Soldering equipment
- Cinder Blocks
- Power Tools
- Bed Risers
- Construction or wood working tools such as saws, hammers, drills, etc.
- Tapestries, flags, etc., exceeding 36" in any directions that are hung on the wall
- Taxidermy (This includes finished products as well as skins, tools and other items used for the repairing, stuffing, or mounting taxidermy).
The State of New York will occasionally instruct campuses to add items (especially new products) to the list of prohibited items if it is determined that they pose a health or fire hazard. Residence Life will inform students if this happens. At that point, any student in possession of such an item will need to remove it from the premises immediately.
Additionally, SUNY New Paltz reserves the right to have students remove from campus any item which is not listed, but deemed to be a fire or health and safety hazard by the Department of Residence Life, the Environmental Health and Safety Office and/or the NYS Fire Marshall.
What if an prohibited appliance or item is found?
- Residents are Officially Requested to remove the item from the residence hall. Should the student fail to comply with the Official Request, the item will be confiscated and the student will be subject to disciplinary action. Students will also be subject to disciplinary action for repeat offenses.
- Prohibited items that do not pose a safety risk when not in use that have been confiscated by or returned to Residence Life Staff will be stored for no more than 72 hours. Stored items that are not claimed and removed from campus will be discarded. SUNY New Paltz shall bear no financial responsibility for discarded items.
Smoking (including the use of e-cigarettes, vaporizers, hookahs or any other smoking apparatus) is prohibited in all University buildings, and within 50 feet of any building entrance or open window. Any smoking apparatus determined to be drug use related is strictly prohibited.
SUNY remains bound by its federal requirements under the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act and the Drug Free Workplace Act. At SUNY New Paltz marijuana/ cannabis is NOT permitted in any form, ANYWHERE on the college campus. This includes marijuana/ cannabis and its derivatives, including tinctures, topicals, edibles, etc. Medical marijuana is also prohibited. If you are found with marijuana while at orientation, please be aware that you will be required to surrender it and may face campus judicial consequences.
For questions and resources regarding marijuana/ cannabis and substance use prevention please reach out to: Jackie Cirello, Prevention Coordinator, at
Pets are not allowed in the residence halls. It is important that everyone respect the idea that while some may enjoy being around pets, others do not and/or are allergic. Only fish are permitted. Fish tanks must not exceed 10 gallons.
Televisions, Music Equipment, Gaming Systems and Other Electronics
A TV, DVD/Blue Ray player, gaming and music equipment may provide students with a welcome study break. Volume should be kept at respectful levels. Should a student have repeated violations of the noise policy, the device(s) will be confiscated.
Cars, Motorcycles and Other Motorized Vehicles
Residence Hall students have assigned parking for their vehicles (policies and procedures are subject to change). Incoming first year students will not be allowed to have a car on campus. Parking is not permitted along roadways, in front of the residence halls, fire hydrants, dumpsters or in fire lanes. All motor vehicles must be registered and have a parking permit with the University. Please note that parking regulations are strictly enforced. Parking applications can be obtained at the parking office in HAB 35 or at
Motorcycles, motorbikes, motorized skateboards, hoverboards, scooters, mopeds, or other vehicles with internal combustible or electric engines are not permitted inside the residence halls.
Due to Fire Safety Safety regulations, students must not keep bikes in the room or suite as the can block egress and be major tripping hazard or during a fire. Bike racks are provided by the University near the residence halls. Students are strongly encouraged to register their bicycles with University Police.
Screens are to remain in place at all times. Students may not remove screens for any reason other than in an emergency situation such as a fire, where the window is the only means of egress. Students must report damaged or missing screens immediately.
Nothing may be hung on the inside of the Student's window or placed on the inner windowsill to prevent any damage to our windowsills or prevent windows from operating properly.
Nothing may be hung outside the student’s window or placed on the outer windowsill to prevent hurting someone standing or walking below.
Solicitation is prohibited in all Residence Halls and on university property. Solicitation is defined as:
The sale of services or products, or the seeking of funds, signatures, merchandise or supplies.
Attempts to urge, incite, request, or advise a person or persons to adopt an idea, political solicitation, or purchase merchandise or services for personal profit or organizational gain.
Receiving business offers or goods in the residence halls for business purposes.
Individuals or organizations seeking an exemption to this policy must contact both the Director of Student Activities and the Office of Residence Life for approval in advance.
Cancelling Housing Reservations
Students who pay the Advance Room Deposit (ARD) and decide not to enroll in classes, or who enroll and elect not to live in the on campus and have met the Housing Requirement of the University before moving any belongings into their residence hall room, must notify the Office of Residence Life in writing before the following dates to secure an ARD refund:
Fall Semester Applicants
July 1 or 30 days after official acceptance to SUNY New Paltz – whichever is later.
Spring Semester Applicants
November 1 or 30 days after official acceptance to SUNY New Paltz – whichever is later.
Advance Room Deposits are refundable up to and including the above dates. Failure to notify the Office of Residence Life of a cancellation in writing by the dates mentioned above will result in the forfeiture of the Advance Room Deposit unless, in the judgment of the Director of Residence Life, there are other conditions which should allow for a refund after those dates. Should a student who is enrolled in 12 or more academic credits and fail to occupy her/his assigned room, the room and meal plan will remain available and room and board charges will accrue against their account. Once a student has moved belongings into their room, the student accepts the financial responsibility for room and board charges for the full term of the license.
Late cancellations will not be honored, unless in the judgment of the Director of Residence Life or designee, justification for a License release exists.
Release from the Residence Hall License
Students who have moved into and are occupying a residence hall room but wish to move out of the residence hall during the period covered by the License and intend to continue their full-time enrollment must FIRST apply for a release from the Residence Hall License and be approved for a release prior to signing an off-campus lease and/or moving out of the room. Applying for a release does not guarantee one will be granted.
Dissatisfaction with a roommate, room, and/or meal plan does not meet the criteria necessary to justify a release from the License. Applications may be obtained at the Office of Residence Life.
A student may only apply for a release during the academic year for the following reasons:
- If the student is Studying Abroad.
- If the student is Student Teaching. Such students need to apply for a release the semester prior to student teaching. If a student teacher’s placement is close to campus, a student may continue to live on campus if the student desires.
- If the student will be doing a full time internship and not taking any other classes on campus.
- If the student will drop below 12 academic credits in a given semester.
- If the student has a physical or psychological condition that makes it impossible to continue to live on campus.
- If an incident occurs AFTER the student has moved onto campus which results is a significant financial loss for the student and/or the student’s parent/guardian(s).
The deadline for applying for a release is December 1 for Fall Semester and May 1 for Spring Semester. Students who are granted a release will incur a $150 fee. A prorated refund based on the schedule below will be applied to the student's account based on the official date of check out. See the Refund Policy.
Students who are granted a release will not receive a refund for the current semester if they are granted a release and check out of the residence hall after the fourth week of classes.
Residents who move out during the term of residency covered by the license without being approved for a release will continue to be liable for room and meal charges that accrue against their student account.
Applying for a release does not guarantee one will be granted. A student must not sign an off-campus lease or move out of their room without first being granted a release from the Residence Hall License. If a student who applies for a release from the Residence Hall License is denied, the student will remain financially responsible for room and meal charges, even if the student has signed an off-campus lease and/or moved out of their room.
As previously stated, by submitting a Residence Hall License a student agrees that the student will live on campus for the entire period the License is in effect. The License is effect from the day a student moves onto campus until the residence halls close at the end of the Spring Semester of the academic year covered by the License. This means the student may not move off campus until the academic year covered by the License is over, unless granted a release from the Residence Hall License by the Office of Residence Life (see the previous section).
Any student who moves off-campus after being granted a release from the Residence Hall License or when the term of the Residence Hall License is over, cannot return to on-campus living for the rest of their time at SUNY New Paltz.
Should a student be academically dismissed between the Fall and Spring Semester, it is their responsibility to make arrangements to check out of their room prior to spring semester. If the student fails to do so, the student will continue to accrue room and meal liability until they check out.
Administrative Room Changes Due to Policy Violations and/or Behavioral Reasons
The Office of Residence Life plays a primary role in fulfilling the University’s responsibility to maintain a safe and orderly environment within the residence halls. Therefore, it reserves the right to move students to other vacancies on campus temporarily or permanently should it be determined that a student has engaged in behavior that negatively affects other residents, the residence hall community and/or violates university or residence hall regulations. Such behavior includes but is not limited to:
- Behavior that poses a danger to others.
- Behavior that is disruptive and/or destructive to the residence hall environment.
- Behavior that interferes with the educational mission of the University and the academic pursuits of other residents.
- Harassment of other students and their guests, any Residence Life staff member or other university employee.
- Unauthorized use of heating elements.
- Continuous noise violations.
- Severe and/or repeated intoxication as well as other self-destructive behavior requiring staff assistance.
At the beginning of each year, or when a resident moves to a new room, the Office of Residence Life requires that residents meet with their roommate(s) to complete a Living The purpose of the Living Agreement is to assist residents in setting ground rules and agreeing to compromises in order to prevent future conflicts. Roommate conflicts can still arise and at times necessitate that the roommate(s) participate in mediation facilitated by the building staff, which resolves most conflicts. If a disagreement is severe, any or all parties may request temporary relocation until the issue is resolved. If no such request is made, but the RD or college official working with the parties involved determines it is necessary, any or all parties may be immediately relocated temporarily until the incident is resolved. In cases where it is determined that no amount of further discussion or mediation will result in reconciliation, the residents will each be given an opportunity to voluntarily move to another vacancy. If none of the residents volunteer to move, all residents may be permanently relocated to other vacancies, possibly in different buildings. The new room assignments will be chosen by the Office of Residence Life. Furthermore, a No Contact Order may be issued to the residents involved if it is determined that further contact between them may result in harassment of or poses a threat to one or all residents involved. If a No Contact Order is issued, all parties will be banned from entering the hall(s) to which the other students are re-assigned. The exception to the rule of moving all residents is a situation where it is clearly established that one or more residents involved is/are bullying another, especially if said behavior is clearly an attempt aimed at forcing another student to move out of their room. In such cases, the Office of Residence Life reserves the right to permanently move the student that is found responsible for bullying.
As stated in the previous section, the Office of Residence Life plays a primary role in fulfilling the University’s responsibility to maintain a safe and orderly environment within the residence halls. Therefore, it reserves the right to cancel a student’s Residence Hall License if the student engages in behavior that may include but not be limited to the following:
- Behavior that poses a danger to others.
- Behavior that is disruptive and/or destructive to the Residence Hall environment.
- Behavior that interferes with the educational mission of the university and the academic pursuits of other residents.
- Harassment and/or bullying of others, including students and their guests, any Residence Life staff member or other university employee.
- Unauthorized use of heating elements.
- Continuous noise violations.
- Severe and/or repeated intoxication as well as other self-destructive behavior requiring staff assistance.
If a student is removed from the residence halls as a result of disciplinary action, a room rent refund will be not be given. In addition, you may lose visitation privileges to any or all residence halls.
Students who officially withdraw or take a leave from the University during a semester must vacate their residence hall within 24 hours after the date of their withdrawal or leave of absence takes effect. Please see the refund policy below.
By moving into their assigned room at the beginning of a semester, financial responsibility for the room rent as soon as they move into their assigned room. After classes begin, a student can receive a full or partial refund if they withdraw, take a leave of absence from college, or are officially released from the Residence Hall License within the first four weeks based on the schedule below. No refund is given to students who check out after week four. For refund purposes, the week begins on Monday and ends on Sunday.
Week |
Refund |
Student checks out by the end of week 1 |
100% |
Student checks out by the end of week 2 |
70% |
Student checks out by the end of week 3 |
50% |
Student checks out by the end of week 4 |
30% |
Thereafter |
0% |
Safety and Security
SUNY New Paltz and the Office of Residence Life assume no responsibility for the theft, damage to personal property or loss of money, valuables, or personal effects of any student or guest. It is essential that each student check with their family concerning the extent of coverage under existing insurance policies. Students are encouraged to consider obtaining some form of personal property insurance if they are not covered under their family’s homeowner’s or renter’s insurance policy.
Security Tips for Personal Belongings
Certain precautions should be used concerning the security of personal property. Here are some suggestions that should be helpful:
- Take advantage of the Operation ID Register bikes with University Police.
- Record the numbers of all credit cards and bank accounts. Keep a list of the contact information of these companies and banks so that they may be notified if cards are lost or stolen.
- Keep money and valuables in a secure place.
- Do not keep excess amounts of cash in the room.
- Keep room and suite doors locked whenever unoccupied or when occupants are sleeping.
- Lost or stolen must be reported to the Card Services Office immediately so they can shut off access on the old card and to purchase a new card.
- Establish a checking and/or savings account at one of the local banks or credit unions.
- Record the serial numbers of all electrical appliances and valuable items.
Students are encouraged to take valuables home during breaks.
- Use the peephole on room and suite doors to see who is knocking before opening the door.
- When leaving the hall at night, residents should inform room/suitemates of the time they expect to return.
- When walking alone at night, stay in well-lit areas or use the Campus Escort Program (845) 257-3338.
- Any resident who is a victim of a crime should notify University Police at (845) 257-2222.
- Emergency blue light phones are located strategically around campus and can be used to contact University Police directly.
All entrances to the residence halls are under a 24-hour lock policy. Entrance doors may not be propped open for any reason. It is up to residents to make sure that residence hall doors are closed.
Each residence hall must have at least one planned fire drill each semester. Refer to your RA for evacuation procedures or acquaint yourself with the evacuation plan located in public areas on each floor. Remember to take your key and ID when evacuating the building. Be aware of the location of all fire exits, pull boxes, and fire extinguishers on the floor. The greatest danger in our buildings is not from flames, but from smoke and heat. Therefore, fire doors in halls and stairwells MUST be kept closed at all times. Do not take any chances with fire. Even a small fire can get out of control. If a fire occurs, activate the fire alarm by pulling the nearest manual fire alarm pull box. Fire extinguishers are readily available, but should only be used with caution on minor fires. No person should jeopardize their own personal safety by attempting to extinguish any fire. Contact the hall staff and University Police immediately in the event of a fire. If you are in a room where a fire starts, leave immediately and close the door to confine the blaze in that room as long as possible. If smoke or fire ever blocks your exit, stay in your room with the door closed. Call University Police to inform them of your location and wait there until the fire department arrives to assist you.
Students demonstrating any of the following behavior may be subject to disciplinary actions that may include the loss of housing privileges, expulsion from the University, and/or criminal prosecution:
- Falsely reporting a fire, bomb threat, serious injury, or any other emergency, or pulling a fire alarm when there is no fire.
- Setting a fire, or possessing or using flammable or highly combustible materials.
- Tampering with or misusing (accidentally or intentionally) individual room or public area fire safety equipment, including fire extinguishers, sprinklers, smoke or heat detectors, exit signs, alarm pull stations, evacuation maps or floor/room signs.
- Possessing, using, or manufacturing fireworks or explosives.
- Using unauthorized appliances or candles.
- Failing to leave a building at the sound of a fire alarm or when so instructed by hall staff, fire department or campus official.
Each residence hall on the SUNY New Paltz campus is fully equipped with an integrated automatic fire detection and alarm system. This system automatically reports the presence of detectable smoke and/or fire to the University Police Department and activates the building fire alarm system. This system includes manual fire alarm pull stations at exits and stairwells which, when activated, will notify the University Police Department that a fire or smoke condition exists and will activate the building fire alarm system. This system provides coverage to all areas within the residence halls and reports directly to the University Police Department, who in turn contacts the Ulster County 911 Center for Fire Department dispatch and response. Each residence hall is equipped with portable, multi- purpose, dry chemical fire extinguishers on each floor. These extinguishers are present for use by occupants who are properly trained in their operation and only when conditions are appropriate. Since not all residence halls are yet equipped with sprinkler systems, it is important that residents be aware what sprinkler system coverage exists in their residence hall. Below is the type of sprinkler coverage provided in each residence hall:
- Ashokan Hall - Sprinkler coverage is provided in all areas of the Fire detection and alarm coverage is provided in all areas of the hall. A fire suppression system is provided as part of the kitchenette stove.
- Awosting Hall- Sprinkler coverage is provided in the basement storage Fire detection and alarm coverage is provided in all areas of the hall. A fire suppression system is provided as part of the kitchenette stove.
- Bliss Hall - Sprinkler coverage is provided in the basement north storage room, computer lab, center stairwell, JC-8, National Residence Hall Honorary office, storage room near JC-13, storage room near JC- 19, and the trash & recycling Fire detection and alarm coverage is provided in all areas of the hall. A fire suppression system is provided as part of the kitchenette stove.
- Bouton Hall - Sprinkler coverage is provided in all areas of the Fire detection and alarm coverage is provided in all areas of the hall. A fire suppression system is provided as part of the kitchenette stove.
- Capen Hall - Sprinkler coverage is provided in the boiler room and the storage room near JC-19. Fire detection and alarm coverage is provided in all areas of the hall. A fire suppression system is provided as part of the kitchenette stove.
- College Hall - Sprinkler coverage is provided in the loading dock vestibule, loading dock stairwell.
- Esopus Hall - Sprinkler coverage is provided in all areas of the hall. Fire detection and alarm coverage is provided in all areas of the hall.
- Gage Hall - Sprinkler coverage is provided in all areas of the hall. Fire detection and alarm coverage is provided in all areas of the A fire suppression system is provided as part of the kitchenette stove.
- Lenape Hall - Sprinkler coverage is provided in all areas of the Fire detection and alarm coverage is provided in all areas of the hall.
- Minnewaska Hall - Sprinkler coverage is provided in all areas of the hall. Fire detection and alarm coverage is provided in all areas of the A fire suppression system is provided as part of the kitchenette stove.
- Mohonk Hall - Sprinkler coverage is provided in the computer lab, basement storage room, and the trash & recycling Fire detection and alarm coverage is provided in all areas of the hall. A fire suppression system is provided as part of both kitchenette stoves.
- Ridgeview Hall - Sprinkler coverage is provided in all areas of the Fire detection and alarm coverage is provided in all areas of the hall. A fire suppression system is provided as part of the kitchenette stove.
- Scudder Hall - Sprinkler coverage is provided in all areas of the Fire detection and alarm coverage is provided in all areas of the hall. A fire suppression system is provided as part of the kitchenette stove.
- Shango Hall - Sprinkler coverage is provided in the computer lab, telecommunications room, and the trash & recycling Fire detection and alarm coverage is provided in all areas of the hall. A fire suppression system is provided as part of the kitchenette stove.
- Shawangunk Hall - Sprinkler coverage is provided in all areas of the Fire detection and alarm coverage is provided in all areas of the hall. A fire suppression system is provided as part of the kitchenette stove.
- Shepard Recital Hall - Room 113, room 114, Honor's Center storage room, and the Honor's Center Fire detection and alarm coverage is provided in all areas of the hall. A fire suppression system is provided as part of the kitchenette stove.
For further information please contact the Office of Environmental Health and Safety at (845) 257-3310.
In recognition of the fact that the residence halls are fire resistant and not fire proof, it is necessary to establish certain procedures to prevent confusion and/or injury to the residents of a hall in case of fire. Residents need to become familiar with all of the building’s exits and know that each residence hall will have two fire drills per semester. The following procedures must be adhered to during a fire alarm:
- When the alarm is sounded, consider it an emergency and evacuate the building immediately.
- Residents should immediately dress, taking weather conditions into account and put on hard- soled shoes as they may be outside for an extended period of time or may be relocated to a safe Bring a towel to use to cover one’s face to assist with breathing if smoke is encountered.
- Take your key and ID with you.
- BEFORE opening any door, you should feel it to see if it’s hot. Look and smell for Should a door be hot or you if smell smoke, stay in the room/suite. Keep the door closed and place a towel under the door to prevent smoke from entering. Call 911 to let them know where you are in the building. Do not panic. Fire department personnel will assist you.
- If there is no sign of heat or smoke, be sure your windows are closed before opening your door. Leave your room/suite and the building quickly, but carefully, via the shortest route to the safest Close your room/suite door as you exit.
- When evacuating the building, continue to check doors for heat, look and smell for smoke, and look for Should you encounter any of these conditions, change your exit route and report what you saw to personnel outside.
- Once outside, students must assemble at a safe distance from the hall (at least 150 feet away from the building), gathering at a predetermined location. If someone is missing or needs assistance evacuating, contact emergency personnel or hall staff.
- It is important that roadways and routes to the building are kept clear so that emergency vehicles and personnel can get through quickly.
- Students must respond to directions given by hall staff, University Police, the Fire Department, and/or other University officials.
- Students will not be allowed to re-enter the building until directed to do so, even if the alarm stops sounding.
A student who does not follow these evacuation procedures may face disciplinary actions and/or arrest.
Safety is an issue the University takes very seriously. Students will receive mandatory fire safety training. All hall staff members are trained on what to do in the event of a fire alarm or fire emergency. This training is coordinated in cooperation with both University Police and the University’s Fire Safety Officer. All staff members are trained to confront any safety violation they see and contact University Police, if necessary. University Police officers will be on site during fire alarms and scheduled drills. All hall staff members are trained to evacuate the hall at once should they encounter a fire or smoke situation that may jeopardize their own safety. Should this occur, they are to report to University Police or the New Paltz Fire Department command post outside the hall to share what they encountered. Any time the fire department responds to an alarm, they are in charge at the scene. Should "search and rescue" measures be needed, only they will conduct them. Students who fail to evacuate or are uncooperative in evacuating a residence hall will be subject to disciplinary action and/or arrest. Persons suspected of falsely pulling an alarm will be arrested and charged with a violation of the state penal code. A violation of Campus Regulations concerning fire alarms and fire safety may result in expulsion.
The majority of our residence halls were constructed before 1984. Sprinkler systems are located in basement storage areas. All activated fire alarms will automatically alert University Police. All residence halls have a fire alarm system, which is activated by a pull box, a public area smoke detector, or by a smoke/heat sensor in a student's room. All residence hall fire alarm pull stations have a "Fire Stopper" cover over them. These covers, once released, activate a loud, local alarm to deter false alarms. All residence halls have fire extinguishers that are placed in specific locations as prescribed by law. These are inspected regularly by hall staff when the halls are occupied. All extinguishers are professionally inspected annually as prescribed by the National Fire Protection Association. An outside contractor administers pressure testing. All carpet used in public areas must meet the State's fire-retardant standards. All residence halls have clearly marked exits and hallway fire doors where required by law, which close automatically during an alarm.
All student rooms have a direct wired, local smoke/heat detector and solid core doors, which offer a high level of protection from an active fire penetrating into the living space. All residence hall mattresses and upholstered furniture in resident student rooms and lounges must meet the standards outlined in the Caltech 133 Fire Retardant Bulletin.
All residence halls have scheduled fire drills each semester as prescribed by law. The State Fire Inspector inspects all University buildings including residence halls, once a year. The Dormitory Authority, which holds the bonds for the halls, inspects residence halls once a year. University personnel test all residence hall fire alarms twice a year. This includes the testing of all student room smoke/heat detectors and the activation of the alarm system to check that all systems are functioning properly.
In the event that all or a portion of a residence hall or halls is rendered uninhabitable due to fire and smoke damage, flooding, malfunction of heating, electrical or plumbing systems, or any other calamity, and where such resulting deficiencies cannot be remedied within a reasonable period of time, the following actions may be initiated:
- All existing vacancies (i.e., single and vacant rooms) will be used to relocate those persons who are displaced.
- Overflow rooms, which are lounges converted to living space equipped with standard room furnishings, will be used to house displaced residents should there not be enough vacancies.
- Should available vacancies and overflow spaces not suffice, rooms may be tripled in accordance with normal practice. The standard reduction in room rates will be applied to the accounts of those affected.
- When feasible, and in appropriate situations (i.e. short-term displacement and/or when no other options are available), residents may be housed at area motels at no additional expense to the student or emergency shelters until other suitable arrangements are made. In this event, transportation to and from campus will be provided in order to accommodate academic and food service needs.
If, as the result of some unforeseen calamity, the number of residence hall spaces affected renders the above actions impossible, the University will immediately formulate and adopt an alternate emergency response plan which addresses the academic and personal needs of those involved.
(845) 257-2222 or Emergency 911
University Police provides a student-run escort service to all members of the University community. You can arrange for an escort by calling (845) 257-3338.
Room Rent is $5547 for all Residence Halls
Corridor Style
Bliss, Bouton, Capen, College, Gage, Scudder and Shango Halls
Window Size: |
Bliss |
87” (W) x 58” (H) |
CH = Chair |
Bouton |
92” (W) x 56” (H) |
WB = Wastebasket |
Capen |
87” (W) x 58” (H) |
RB = Recycling Bin |
Gage |
87” (W) x 58” (H) |
Shango |
44” (W) x 47” (H) |
Scudder |
87” (W) x 58” (H) |
Closet: |
49” (W) x 88” (H) |
Corridor Style - Triple Occupancy
Bliss, Bouton, Capen, College, Gage, Scudder and Shango Halls
The loft bed is a bunk bed without a bottom bunk. It is raised to a height that provides room to put a third desk and dresser underneath to create more space in the room and accommodate three students.
The three students living in this type of room must share the two
The same rooms are used as triples every year, as such all triple furniture shall remain in designated triple rooms even when there are less than 3 people living in those rooms. See the Triples section.
Closet: |
49” (W) x 88” (H) |
Window Sizes: |
Bliss |
87” (W) x 58” (H) |
CH = Chair |
Bouton |
92” (W) x 56” (H) |
WB = Wastebasket |
Capen |
87” (W) x 58” (H) |
RB = Recycling Bin |
Gage |
87” (W) x 58” (H) |
Shango |
44” (W) x 47” (H) |
Scudder |
87” (W) x 58” (H) |
Suite Style
Minnewaska, Ashokan, Awosting, Mohonk and Shawangunk Halls
Window Size: 85” (W) x 58” (H) Closet: 49” (W) x 88” (H)
L = Lamp CH = Chair WB = Waste Basket RB = Recycling Bin
Some Peregrine style suites have only 2 and some have 4 bedrooms. Room rent is the same for all Peregrine style suites.
There are suites where one of the bedrooms is set up as a designated triple occupancy room. Because the same rooms will be used as triples every year, all triple furniture shall remain in designated triple rooms even when there are less than 3 people living in those rooms.
Corridor Style
Window Size: 96” (W) x 96” (H)
CH = Chair WB = Waste Basket RB = Recycling Bin
Esopus and Ridgeview are air-conditioned halls.
Triple Occupancy Rooms
CH = Chair WB = Waste Basket RB = Recycling Bin
The loft bed is a bunk bed without a bottom bunk. It is raised to a height that provides room to put a third desk and dresser underneath to create more space in the room and accommodate three students.
The three students living in this type of room must share the two wardrobes.
The same rooms are used as triples every year. As such all triple furniture shall remain in designated triple rooms even when there are less than 3 people living in those rooms. See the Triples section.
Window Size: 96” (W) x 96” (L)
Esopus and Ridgeview are air-conditioned halls.
Corridor w/Bathroom
This room is designed for 3 people The beds must be bunked and lofted.
CH = Chair WB = Waste Basket RB = Recycling Bin
The loft bed is raised to a height that provides room to put a third desk and dresser underneath.
Lenape is an air-conditioned hall and has indoor bicycle storage.
Suite w/Bathroom
This room is designed for 4 people
CH = Chair WB = Waste Basket RB = Recycling Bin
Each of the four students gets a loft. Each loft is raised to a height that provides room to put a third desk and dresser underneath.
Lenape is an air-conditioned hall and has indoor bicycle storage.
How can family and friends contact me?
It is a resident’s responsibility to inform family and friends of their address and phone number. Due to the Family Rights & Privacy Act, the University is unable to release this information to anyone. Important messages may be left at Residence Hall Offices for a resident any evening between 8:30 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.
The Office of Residence Life can only take emergency messages for residents during normal business hours. Business hours are 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. during the Fall and Spring semesters, and 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. during the Summer Session. Please refer to the next page for appropriate hall or office phone numbers.
Can I leave my belongings in my room during semester breaks?
Residents may leave their belongings in their room both Winter and Spring Breaks if they are returning to the same room. Students are encouraged to take valuables with them when they leave for the break for added security.
Students ARE NOT allowed to leave their belongings in the residence halls during the summer as all buildings are used for other purposes.
Can I stay on campus during breaks?
The Office of Residence Life provides housing options for residents who need to remain on campus during the Winter and Spring Breaks. Students who must remain on campus during academic break times must reside in one of the 10-Month Halls. Students staying on campus during breaks will incur additional charges based on the room rates for that academic year. No meal plan is available during these times.
Residence Hall Phone Numbers |
Resident Director Resident Advisor Office Phone Office Phone PARKER COMPLEX Shango Hall 5701 5700 Bouton Hall 5601 5600 Capen Hall 4501 4500 Scudder Hall 4601 4600 Gage Hall 4701 4700 Bliss Hall 4901 4900 College Hall 5701 5700
PEREGRINE COMPLEX Ashokan Hall 5201 5200 Shawangunk Hall 5401 5400 Minnewaska Hall 5501 5500 Awosting Hall 5001 5000 Mohonk Hall 5101 5100
SOUTH COMPLEX Esopus Hall 4101 4100 Lenape Hall 4301 4300 Ridgeview Hall 4401 4400 |
Information Center 3000 |
Academic Advising 3015 |
National Res. Hall Honorary 4499 |
Admissions 3200 |
OASIS (Student Crisis Hotline) 4945 |
Campus Auxiliary Services(CAS) 3370 |
Orientation 3088 |
Career Resource Center 3265 |
Records & Registration 3100 |
Counseling Center 2920 |
Residence Hall Student Assoc. 4499 |
Disability Resource Center 3020 |
Residence Life Main Office 4444 |
Educ. Opportunity Program 3220 |
Student Accounts Office 3150 |
Financial Aid 3250 |
Student Union 3025 |
Hasbrouck Dining Hall 3350 |
Student Association 3071 |
Health Center 3400 |
Telecommunications 3003 |
Haven (Peer Hotline for Sexual Violence) 4930 |
University Mail Room 3122 |
ID/Meal Plan 3034 |
University Police 2222 |