Reunion 2024

Maureen Lohan-Bremer

Maureen Lohan-Bremer '86 '92g (Photography, Educational Administration)Maureen Lohan-Bremer is an alumna of SUNY New Paltz. She received her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Photography in 1985 and her Master of Science in Educational Administration and Supervision in 1992. She started her career in financial aid as a work-study student and gained experience in various aspects of the profession before being appointed Director in 2015. She has been a professional at SUNY New Paltz for 36 years.

As someone who relied on financial aid to make attendance at a 4-year residential college possible, she understands the challenges students must navigate to finish their degree. She strongly advocates for students who need resources and support to achieve their goals. She has been a volunteer with the Scholars Mentorship Program and serves on a state-wide committee providing scholarships to students in need. She also collaborates with colleagues to offer financial literacy opportunities to empower students to navigate financial matters confidently.
Maureen has one son, Ryan, who resides in Connecticut. She is also an active visual artist participating in regional and national gallery shows.

“This award is an opportunity to reflect on how privileged I am to work with so many talented and dedicated people who contribute to building a network of support for our students.”