Explore the latest innovations, opportunities, and insights in this month's newsletter! Read how one climate tech startup received funding and exciting testing results, while others are adding new products. Plus, there are lots of grands and funding opportunities this month. As always, we have startup opportunities and events to add to the calendar!

Driving Impact Among Too Many Technological Advancements

If you’re a company founder today, it’s seemingly impossible to keep up with how rapidly evolving the marketing landscape is. Technology advancement brings stockpiles of challenges to circumvent, but there are also opportunities to glean for businesses. Without calling stake to the obvious (Ai, VR, machine learning), I’ll highlight three upcoming technological advancements shaping the business landscape in 2024 and examine how forward-thinking brands are leveraging these innovations to drive success. 

Technological advancements driving innovation can be a blessing and a curse for startups

Technological advancements driving innovation can be a blessing and a curse for startups. That’s almost heresy since most high-tech startups believe the only way they can create a high-growth business and capture the attention and investment capital of investors is to be on the leading edge of some advanced technology. 

Dam Good English Muffins Highlighting a mother-daughter duo that created a better mouse trap in the English Muffin Category

Highlighting a mother-daughter duo that created a better mouse trap in the English Muffin Category

Oftentimes entrepreneurs believe that in order to be innovative they must create a whole new product or category. This sentiment that strives to be innovative in nature, can kill any chance of incremental innovation. Ralph Waldon Emerson once said, “to build a better mousetrap is to make an improvement to an existing product or service.” Dam Good™ English Muffins is no stranger to incremental innovation within a “stale” product category – English muffins. The mother-daughter duo, Denise and Olivia Weale were unsatisfied by this American breakfast staple that has been unchanged, unhealthy, and is therefore ripe for disruption. The one brand that dominates this category fills their English muffins with artificial ingredients, preservatives, industrial seed oils, dough stabilizers, dairy products, enzymes, etc. Even more disappointing than the harmful ingredients found in the existing market offerings is that they completely lack flavor! After trying a homemade sourdough English muffin from a friend, the Weale family decided they’d never go back to store bought English muffins again. After giving them out as holiday gifts to friends and family and receiving positive feedback and requests for more, the Weale family quickly realized that