
Student Research Projects

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Call for Applicants:

The Department of Sociology and the Scholarship Selection Committee invites students to apply for the 2018 Sociology Scholarship for Progressive Social Change cycle. DEADLINE April 1. (Click here for more information)

Check out our event calendar.


Dr. Judith Halasz sole-authored peer-reviewed article "The Super-Gentrification of Park Slope, Brooklyn" has been accepted for publication in Urban Geography, a leading Urban Studies journal.

Dr. Anne Roschelle latest article “Our Lives Matter: The Racialized Violence of Poverty Among Homeless Mothers of Color.” coming up in Sociological Forum DOI: 10.1111./socf.12365

Students' News:

Big Applauses to: Kasey Cover winner of ESS 2018 Best Research Poster in her section.

Our students at the ESS 2018...

Visualizing Super-Gentrification Judith Halasz, SUNY at New Paltz and Elizabeth Levy, SUNY New Paltz

From Postville to Guatemala: Deported Migrants Rebuild their Lives Anne R. Roschelle, SUNY at New Paltz; Luz Porras, State University of New York at New Paltz; Tim Allan, State University of New York at New Paltz

Go back to your country: How to make an impact on the lives of undocumented immigrants in the United States Alexandra Abreu Borria, Columbia University (Alunmi)

Research Posters

Exploring Colorblind Racism Through the Use of Hashtags Kasey Cover, SUNY New Paltz

Socioeconomic Disparities Within the U.S. Health Care System Eleanor Condelles and Devin White McCarthy, SUNY New Paltz

The Masked Truth of Arranged Marriage within the Media Christina Paulson, SUNY New Paltz

Queer Sexuality in Video Games Steven Bagoly, SUNY New Paltz