Kaina Rivera, a senior majoring in sociology at SUNY New Paltz and last year’s winner of the Ken Skelton Scholarship for Progressive Social Change was the feature piece of the latest issue of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Newsletter. Read the story here.
Big applause to: Kasey Cover winner of ESS 2018 Best Research Poster in her section, Exploring Colorblind Racism Through the Use of Hashtags
Our students at the ESS 2018...
Visualizing Super-Gentrification Judith Halasz, SUNY at New Paltz and Elizabeth Levy, SUNY New Paltz
From Postville to Guatemala: Deported Migrants Rebuild their Lives Anne R. Roschelle, SUNY at New Paltz; Luz Porras, State University of New York at New Paltz; Tim Allan, State University of New York at New Paltz
Go back to your country: How to make an impact on the lives of undocumented immigrants in the United States Alexandra Abreu Borria, Columbia University (Alunmi)
Research Posters
Exploring Colorblind Racism Through the Use of Hashtags Kasey Cover, SUNY New Paltz
Socioeconomic Disparities Within the U.S. Health Care System Eleanor Condelles and Devin White McCarthy, SUNY New Paltz
The Masked Truth of Arranged Marriage within the Media Christina Paulson, SUNY New Paltz
Queer Sexuality in Video Games Steven Bagoly, SUNY New Paltz
Presidential Outstanding Graduate Award
Each fall and spring the department also issues Outstanding Student Awards to our top graduates for their excellent academic performance and for representing the highest ideals of our discipline. These honorees represent the department at the President’s awards ceremony. Honorees are also recognized at the annual Sociology party and awards ceremony held each May.
Outstanding Sociology Student Award winners
May 2016: Anthony Albanese, Nearlyse Dandas, Clelie Fuega, Francesca Sills
May 2015: Promise Bruce, Monique Glosque, Madeline Lazer, Juliana Wintroub
May 2014: Rebecca King, Adam Holland, Alexander Elmasri, Mark Carroll
May 2013: Judy Ko, Derrick Lewis, Andrea Mazziotti, Lisa Munzer
2011-2012: Carrie Sauer, Alicia Loscalzo, Brianna Wright, Kate Jordan
2010-2011: Morgan Anderson, Emma Kershen, Joycelyn Newsome, Darian Pucciarelli
2009-2010: Clement Whittle, Aaron Williams
May 2008: Selene Altamirano-Farrell and Leann Heathwood
Heather Rakhmilov (Book Award)
December 2007: Deirdre Ourso and Rachel Stedman
May 2007: Ruth Allendorf and Michael Bossolina
December 2006: Tamara Blair, Tara Lapola and Mark Pawson
May 2006: Jeff Roberts, Tina Youmans, and Frances Donkor
2005: Kelly Moore and Vendula Vlachova
2004: Takeema Allen and Mitch Monsour