Volunteers Needed!
Move-In Days: Thursday, August 22 and Sunday, August 25, 2019
Time Commitment: 9:30am-2pm on Thursday, August 22 and Sunday, August 25. Groups that volunteer need to help out on BOTH DAYS -- thank you!!
How You'll Help: Volunteers will be assisting students moving into their residence hall rooms. This includes unloading items from vehicles and carrying items to their rooms (likely up stairs). Volunteers need to wear appropriate shoes (i.e. sneakers), and bring water to drink. Over 3000 students will be moving in over the two days -- your help is essential and appreciated!
To Register: Within your organization on ENGAGE, the Primary Contact can access the "Move-In Volunteer" Form. The Primary Contact is the only member of your club who can view this form. Please have that person submit one form to register your entire group. The Primary Contact will designate a club member to be the Thursday coordinator and the Sunday coordinator; those individuals will receive detailed instructions by Tuesday, August 20 at 5pm. Registration closes at 11pm on Wednesday, August 14!
Please Note: This volunteer opportunity is only open to current, enrolled New Paltz students who are members of recognized clubs and organizations. Additionally, students who live on-campus are not permitted to move in early to assist with volunteering. Returning student move-in day is Sunday, August 25 starting at 10am.
Questions?: Please contact Emily Bazinet - bazinete@newpaltz.edu or 845-257-3025.