(STEM Education)
Educator and High School Robotics Coach
Wappingers Central School District
Lyndsey Wells is a public educator and FIRST Tech Challenge Robotics Coach, who specializes in fueling the field of education with engineering via empathy as a driving force. Wells’ continued vulnerability has enabled her to take many educational risks, understand failure as an inevitable, iterative process crucial to her own learning, and develop a deep appreciation for natural inquiry that facilitates a growth mindset. She has led multiple district-wide 3D printing projects in grades 4-12, most notably, “The Helping Hands Project”, connecting students to industry professionals through an international, open-source, organization, eNABLE, to build prosthetic hands for children and adults around the world. As an advocate for digital humanitarianism, Wells is a visionary who aspires to connect advanced technological industry skills to elementary mathematics and science education, inspiring a diverse population
of youth to collaborate and use design thinking to collectively create a better future.