SUNY New Paltz Women's Leadership Summit

SUNY New Paltz Women's Leadership Summit
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Kareen Campbell ‘90

Kareen CambellInternational Trade Analyst 
United States Customs and Border Protection 

Kareen Campbell ‘90 is an International Trade Analyst with the United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP). Her mother, grandmother and uncle inspired her to obtain a bachelor's degree in sociology, with a minor in Black  Studies, from SUNY New Paltz, then a master’s degree in social work from the University of Pennsylvania.   

 In 2018, Campbell moved from her 10-year career as an import specialist in the Port of Newark to her current position at headquarters in Washington, D.C.  Campbell comes from a long line of relatives in the social services fields. Campbell came to government at the request of friends who started as summer youth workers in the government and made it a career position.  In her current position, Campbell travels overseas to investigate alleged evasion schemes to avoid the payment of antidumping and countervailing duties for imports into the United States. Her first trip was to the Philippines with five others from CBP. Campbell appreciates being able to go and see places where not many people visiting would go.    

Campbell is extremely civic-minded and very active in volunteer work.  She is currently the director of the safety and security ministry for St. Stephen Baptist Church.  In her capacity as director, she oversees security for the weekly food giveaways.   

Held each week on Tuesdays, over 5,0,000 people are served as the Church helps distribute food to over 1,200 cars.  Donations are obtained from The Capital Area Food Bank which deemed the church an official distribution site, Trader Joes and Target. The church also serves food to 12 other area churches, provides school lunches for children, meals for senior citizens, and feeds walk-ins. Campbell oversees the safety of traffic patterns on the street and in their parking lot.  She responds to incidents on behalf of the organization.  

Campbell founded the International Council of Women in Law Enforcement (ICWLE).  ICWLE performs mentoring for students in high school.  The students help the organization plan the Women in Law Enforcement Summit, an all-day event that provides educational opportunities, and career development for maintaining work life balance. Campbell oversees holiday drives such as Christmas toys for kids, Thanksgiving gift cards and turkey distribution, and clothing for area churches. ICWLE, in an underserved area in Philadelphia, distributed school supplies for children K-12.  Campbell plans an annual Survivor’s Brunch to recognize women in law enforcement who have survived serious adversities on the job.