Spring 2023 Fellows Program

Our goals for this program are twofold: On an individual level, we aim to deepen our conception and articulation of sustainability and environmental justice as interconnected and explore how these intersections apply to our individual research, teaching, and programs. We also seek to build strong partnerships and deep discourse on campus in preparation for collaboratively envisioning transdisciplinary curriculum that addresses our most pressing issues today.
Our state and federal governments are prioritizing and investing in environmental justice communities. Do you know:
To earn an extra service stipend of $250 we ask you to commit to the following:
Click here to fill out the application. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until 9 am on Wednesday, March 8.
To earn the $250 stipend, please complete the following by June 16, 2023:
Submit a minimum 3-page double-spaced reflection to Lisa Mitten (mittenl@newpatlz.edu) on how the concepts explored in this program may influence your teaching, research, and/or programs, and what ideas for future interdisciplinary approaches to sustainability and environmental justice have emerged for you.
For full-time academic and professional faculty: UP-8 Extra Service Form, signed by your Chair/supervisor (please note that the SUNY ID number is NOT your N-number... it's a 6-digit number. You can access this 6-digit number in my.newpaltz.edu in the SUNY Self Service (the page right before you click on your time & attendance sheet) at the top right-hand corner of the screen)
For adjunct faculty: Part-Time Academic Appointment Request, signed by your chair/supervisor (please note that the SUNY ID number is NOT your N-number... it's a 6-digit number. You can access this 6-digit number in SUNY Self Service (the page right before you click on your time & attendance sheet) at the top right-hand corner of the screen)
SUNY New Paltz
1 Hawk Drive
New Paltz, NY 12561
845-257-SUNY (7869)
877-MY-NP-411 (toll free)