Sustainability Frameworks & Complementary Approaches
Below you find a wealth of information on how different initiatives are conceptualizing and thinking through our sustainability challenges. This list is necessarily incomplete and evolving. If you have any new frameworks, approaches, and resources to add to this list, please email with suggested resources.
The Three Dimensions of Sustainability
- Environmental / social / economic
- Environment / equity / economy
- People / Planet / Prosperity (or Profit) [& Place]
- Environment (Wellness / Social / Economic ) --> from Bemidji State University influenced by Anishinaabe culture
A Dish with One Spoon Treaty / One Dish One Spoon Treaty (1142 CE)
"The oldest sustainability policy on the planet:" a wampum belt treaty agreement between the citizens of the Potawatomi and Haudenosaunee Nations
- Robin Wall Kimmerer on the One Dish One Spoon Treaty
- Canadian Encyclopedia Entry for the Dish with One Spoon Treaty
- Richard Hill Youtube Video on the One Dish One Spoon Treaty
Circular Economy / Circularity (1966)
- Thirty years since the circular economy concept emerged: has it reached a consensus (Carlos Andrade, Sandrine Selosse, Nadia Maïzi 2022)
- Circular Economy: The Ellen MacArthur Foundation
- Ellen MacArthur Foundation, Towards the circular economy Vol. 1: an economic and business rationale for an accelerated transition (2013).
- Cradle-to-Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things by architect William McDonough and chemist Michael Braungart (2022)
Limits to Growth (1972)
Basic Call to Consciousness (1977)
A series of position papers by indigenous contributors including Chief Oren Lyons, John Mohawk, and José Barreiro including “The Haudenosaunee Address to the Western World.” This message was delivered to the world at the International Non-Governmental Organization Conference on Discrimination Against Indigenous Populations in the Americas that was held in Geneva, Switzerland, in 1977. Selections of this book can be found here. Hardcopies are available for checkout at the Sojourner Truth Library
"Bruntland Definition" of Sustainable Development (1987)
From the Brundtland Report, Our Common Future: "Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs"
Principles of Environmental Justice (1991)
From the First People of Color Environmental Leadership Summit
- "Offshoots" of the Environmental Justice Movement articulated in "Call for environmental justice amplification among ecology scholars and practitioners: A Black Ecology perspective" by Tatiana Height (2022)
- Climate Justice
- Energy Justice
- Parks and Greenspace Justice
- Land Justice
- Food Justice
- Faculty Development Center's Black Lives Matter & Inter-Cultural Competency Resource List
John Elkington's Triple Bottom Line: People, Planet & Profit of 21st Century Business (1997)
- Assessment Tools: Impact Assessment for B-Corps as a measurement tool, the Global Reporting Initiative, the Sustainability Accounting Standards Boards
Earth Charter (2000)
- The Earth Charter in English
Julian Agyeman’s Just Sustainabilities (2003)
Julian Agyeman is the author of 11 books on topics ranging from food justice, immigrant culture, smart and sustainable cities, environmental justice, and more. Below are some titles and talks by Julian on the subject of just sustainabilities.
- Blog post on Just Sustainabilities
- Book: Just Sustainabilities: Development in an Unequal World by Julian Agyeman
- Book: Introducing Just Sustainabilities: Policy, Planning, and Practice by Julian Agyeman
- 18-minute talk on YouTube with Julian Agyeman: Toward Just Sustainabilities
- 56-minute talk on Youtube with Julian Agyeman: Just Sustainabilities: Reimagining E/Quality
- 94-minute talk with Julian Agyeman: Just Sustainabilities: Reimagining E/Quality, Living within Limits
Environmental Social Governance (ESG) Investments (2004)
- A Review on ESG Investing: Investors' expectations, beliefs and perceptions (2023)
- ESG Investment Performance and Global Attention to Sustainability (2025)
- European Union Green Taxonomy
- ESG Holist by SUNY New Paltz Business Professor Yuan Vivian Wen
Kate Raworth’s Doughnut of Social and Planetary Boundaries (2012)
- Report: A Safe and Just Humanity: Can We Live Within the Doughnut?
- TED Talk: A Health Economy Should Be Designed to Thrive, Not Grow
- Book: Doughnut Economics
- Doughnut Economics Action Lab
Global Goals for Sustainable Development (2015)
- A 6-minute video on the history of and progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- UNESCO’s Education for Sustainable Development: Learning Objectives
- The World’s Largest Lesson
- Empowering Students to Improve the World in 60 Lessons, a free book in PDF format
- A 12-minute TED Talk on achieving the Global Goals and making them personal called "Three Steps to Achieving the SDGs"
- 3-minute video on the impact of COVID-19 on the Global Goals
- Book: The Future We Choose: Surviving the Climate Crisis by Christina Figueres and Tom Rivett-Carnac
- Podcast: Outrage + Optimism! Episode 71: We can only face the future if we do it together with Achim Steiner Administrator of the UN Development Program (UNDP)
Critical Sustainability / Critical Sustainabilities (2010s)
"Critical sustainability, in many ways evolving from the inclusive concept of just sustainability, uses a critical theory lens to unmask intertwined social and economic systems of oppression enforced through global capitalism" (Cachelin, 2019) To learn more about critical sustainability, search the Sojourner Truth Library and the internet for scholarly articles by Adrienne Cachelin and Jeff Rose and others.
Just Transition (2010s)
Articulated by Movement Generation of Oakland, CA and the Climate Justice Alliance
- Just Transition Zine available in English and Spanish and in web, print, and hard copy form: From Tanks and Banks to Cooperation and Caring: A Strategic Framework for a Just Transition
- The Just Transition Alliance Definition of a Just Transition and Just Transition Principles
- Indigenous Environmental Network's Indigenous Principles of a Just Transition
- Applying Just Transition Principles at the Greenhouse in Kingston.
Multispecies Sustainability (2020)
Planetary Boundaries by the Stockholm Resilience Centre (2023)
Complementary Frameworks:
Multisolving for People and Climate (2019)
- Multisolving Ted Talk by Elizabeth Sawin (2019)
- Multisolving Institute: Providing theory, evidence, and practical tools for people to address climate change, equity, health, well-being, and biodiversity as connected issues
- Multisolving: Creating Systems Change in a Fractured World by Elizabeth Sawin (2024)
Drawdown Climate Change Solutions (2017)
- The Book: Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming
- Top 100 Drawdown Climate Solutions by Sector
- Climate Solutions 101 presented by Project Drawdown with 6 video units
- 17-minute TED Talk on 100 Climate Solutions to Reverse Global Warming with Project Drawdown's Chad Frischmann
- 13-minute TED Talk on How Empowering Women and Girls Can Help Stop Global Warming with Project Drawdown's Katharine Wilkinson
- Multisolving ~ TEDx Talk by Elizabeth Sawin: The Power of Multisolving for People and Climate (2019)
Regeneration by Paul Hawken et al. (2021)
Inner Development Goals (2022)
Know of additional sustainability frameworks? Have additional resources you'd like to share with the Sustainability Faculty Learning Community at SUNY New Paltz? This is an ever-growing and evolving resource list. Please share additional resources and frameworks by emailing