General Resources
New Paltz Resources:
- Title IX Resources Brochure
- Title IX Resources Sheet
- UPD Silent Witness Form
- Title IX Glossary
- Grievance Policy 2020 for Addressing Formal Complaints of Sexual Harassment Under the Title IX Regulations
- Student Handbook
- Title IX Resources Reference Listing
Federal Government Resources
- Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972
- US Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights (OCR)
- Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
- Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
- Non-discrimination and Equal Opportunity for Covered Veterans
- Age Discrimination Act of 1967
- Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
- Violence Against Women Act
- Survivor Support Information
New York State Resources
- SUNY Sexual Assault and Violence Response (SAVR)
- Distinctions Between the NYS Penal Law and the College Disciplinary Process
- New York State Division of Human Rights
- Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence
Non-Profit Organizations
Education and Raising Awareness
Promoting a safe and respectful culture that works toward elimination of sexual violence and raises awareness for the collective responsibility of the campus community.
- 1 is 2 Many- White House Initiative
- Bystander Video: Who are you?
- Bystander Video: A Student's Take
- Free Download of Campus Safety Application
- Break the Cycle
- The Relationship Between Alcoholism and Dating Abuse
- Slut Shaming is Victim Blaming
- Band Back Together- Information on Supporting Survivors
- Pandora’s Project: Resources for those Supporting Survivors of Sexual Violence
- How to help Rape Victims (UNC Chapel Hill)
- How to help a Friend (Everyday Feminism)
- What to do when your male friend is sexually assaulted