As set forth in the Bylaws of the College Faculty, the Curriculum Committee is charged with addressing and making recommendations regarding all matters related to curriculum and educational assessment outside the GE Board's specific domain. It reviews curricular proposals (for new undergraduate majors, minors and other programs and for changes in existing majors and minors) and forwards such proposals, together with its recommendations, to the Faculty Senate for consideration. The Curriculum Committee also reviews proposals for new undergraduate courses and major revisions to existing courses. (Minor course revisions are the responsibility of each academic division in close consultation with the Provost's Office.)
The Curriculum Committee meets weekly or as needed during the semester. Visitors are welcome to attend Curriculum Committee meetings; please contact the committee chair to confirm meeting day, time and location.
2024-2025 meetings are scheduled on Tuesdays, 1-2 pm, in WH 139. Meeting agendas are prepared the Thursday before a scheduled meeting, and agenda items must be received by noon on Thursday to be included on the following Tuesday's agenda. Proposals will be reviewed in the order they are received. Those that cannot be reviewed when originally scheduled will be added to the following week’s agenda.
Current proposal forms and narrative outlines are available here or by selecting "Forms" in the Resources list.
Committee Membership 2024-2025
- Chair: Damian Kelty-Stephen, Psychology
- Deputy Chair:
- School of Business
Qi Li, Business Analytics program (2024-2026)
- School of Education
Gowri Parameswaran, Educational Studies & Leadership (2023-2025)
- School of Fine & Performing Arts
Emily Puthoff, Art (2023-2025)
- College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Damian Kelty-Stephen, Psychology (2023-2025)
Timothy Liu, English (2023-2025)
Bruce Milem, Philosophy (2024-2026)
- School of Science & Engineering
Cheyne Glass, Mathematics (2024-2026)
Rachmadian (Doni) Wulandana, Engineering Programs (2023-2025)
- Sojourner Truth Library
Chrissy O'Grady (voting ex officio)
- Student Representatives (Fall 2024)
Reymar Hallare (Junior; Sociology major, Adolescence Education minor)
Daniel Nicholas (Senior; Biology major, Adolescence Education minor)
- Ex officio (non-voting)
Lisa Jones, Special Sessions & Partner Programs
Valerie McAllister, Academic Affairs/Office of the Provost
Lucien Mott, Academic Advising Center
Sarah Roberson, Records & Registration
(revised 2-19-25)