- Consult the Checklist of the Curriculum Committee for guidance on completing the required proposal forms.
- Prepare each course or program proposal as a single PDF and obtain all required department- and school-level approvals.
- Email signed proposal(s) to Curriculum Committee chair Damian Kelty-Stephen, copied to the Provost's representative.
Proposals to add General Education and/or Writing Intensive designations to new or existing courses are first reviewed by the Curriculum Committee. The CC chair will route these proposals as follows:
- General Education proposals remain with the Curriculum Committee. The CC may consult the General Education Board, as it deems advisable.
- Writing Intensive proposals are forwarded to the Writing Board.
To propose a new course, complete the following forms:
Undergraduate NEW Course Proposal - Cover
Undergraduate NEW Course Proposal - Narrative
Additional narrative supplements are required when proposing a course for General Education and/or Writing Intensive designation.
General Education: Append to the course proposal a completed GE 5 Narrative Supplement. Student learning outcomes for each Knowledge & Skills area and core competency, along with a list of FAQs, are published on SUNY's GE Framework website and in SUNY's Implementation Guidance.
Writing Intensive: Refer to the Writing Board’s website and its guidelines for submitting a WI course.
About Liberal Arts designation: Proposers who are uncertain about whether a course should be designated as Liberal Arts may consult the State Education Department’s guidelines, which inform the CC’s determination.
To propose a major or minor revision of an existing course, complete this course revision proposal form.
Note that adding (or removing) General Education and/or Writing Intensive designation is a major revision. As with new courses proposed for these designations, adding GE and/or WI to existing courses requires including additional narrative supplement(s) with the major-revision proposal (see To propose a new course, above). The Curriculum Committee will review all proposals first, then route them as noted above.
Proposals that address minor revisions only do not require Curriculum Committee review and may be forwarded directly to the Provost's Office after they have been approved at the department and school levels.
This will serve as page 1 of any program proposal and is used to collect all required signatures prior to the proposal's review by the Curriculum Committee.
B. Majors
Use SUNY's forms to propose a new major or revise an existing major. For programs leading to teaching certification, refer to the Educator Preparation Program forms.
* If you are unfamiliar with the SUNY forms and/or the program-proposal process, please contact Valerie McAllister for guidance on getting started and assistance throughout the process.
C. Minors
Proposing a new minor or revising an existing minor is a local matter; such proposals are not submitted to SUNY. Please use the appropriate form below, along with the cover-signature sheet linked above.
D. Microcredentials (see Microcredential Policy)
To propose a microcredential, please complete this fillable form: