Educational Opportunity Program

Study Abroad - Sharlyn


1. What’s it like to live and study in another country?

Living and studying in an another country was definitely an experience that I wish I had done for a longer time. I loved everything about being in London. I wish I was back there now. I didn’t find the transition from New York to London being much of a big difference but it was still amazing.

2. What are classes like?

The classes in London were definitely more laid back then the ones here in America. I was expecting it to be tougher than American schooling but I found that there is less stress on students by not giving them many exams or things to worry about like midterms. It’s not about the testing, but about the progress you learn by writing essays.

3. What is it like getting to know new people from a different culture?

I found out that getting to know people wasn’t that hard. They absolutely loved my accent, which was the complete opposite for me. They were very curious about the American culture as I was curious to learn their culture. It was a fun experience.

4. What else was enjoyable about your experience? 

I found myself planning trips throughout England. I wanted to get to know the country as much as I could. I didn’t plan any trips outside of the country because it was out of my price range but I did get to know England a lot better than most other students who went there. I fell in love with Liverpool and have intentions of going back there again in my life.

5. What about family and friends back home?

I was lucky enough to be able to have cell phone connection with my friends and family. My dad had set up my phone so that I could keep in contact with them at any given time or day. One of my best memories in London was when my cousin visited me during Thanksgiving. My American friends, my cousin, and I all had a lovely dinner and just had a really good time. It’s a memory I hold close to my heart.

6. Saying goodbyes and returning home?

I had more troubles saying goodbye to my friend Stephanie, from Michigan, because we had formed such a close bond. We were also housemates. I also had troubles saying goodbye to England. I teared up on the plane heading back home, because I had honestly fallen in love with the country and my experience. I had found myself and my sense of being. Coming home was also a really nice feeling. Seeing my family and friends was awesome. My dog! I missed her so much. Being able to cuddle with her in my bed was so lovely. I had also decided that once I got back I wanted to get into the daily grind of my life before London, so the next day I went to work. It wasn’t hard for me to readjust to my life. The only problem was the time difference but I’m fine now.