First Year Internship Program applications are currently closed for the 2024-2025 school year.
Applications will reopen for 2025-2026 in October.
What is this program?
First-year (non-transfer) undergraduate students can do a college-level internship during their second semester of college. The internship supervisors are employees of SUNY New Paltz.
Where are the internships?
Please read through the list of 2024-2025 FYIP Experience Descriptions. The application will ask you to choose your top 3 internship experience choices.
What is the time commitment?
First-Year Interns work 5 hours per week for 8-10 weeks during the spring semester to complete a minimum of 40 hours. The experience that students gain can be instrumental in making career-related decisions, securing future internships, and building strong connections to the greater New Paltz community.
The Experience Descriptions including "available worktime" for supervisors. For example, several supervisors note they are available from 9-5, Monday - Friday. You will not be asked to work that whole time, it just means your supervisor is available during those hours. You will work with your supervisor to find a schedule that works for your internship for 5 hours each week. The 5 hours do not need to happen all at once, it can be broken up throughout the week.
What happens after I apply?
If the internship supervisors are interested in speaking with you, they will contact you in November for an interview. Supervisors will select their top choices and share them with the Career Resource Center. We will make the final placement selections and notify students if they have been chosen as an intern. Students will be notified of their selection by Friday, December 6.
What are the program requirements?
In order to successfully complete the program and receive their full $750 stipend, interns will be asked to complete the following:
- participate in an orientation led by the Internship Coordinator
- participate in a minimum of 40 experience hours with their supervisor, recorded via timesheet and submitted to the Internship Coordinator
- attend at least ONE Career Resource Center event (including, but not limited to Resumania!, the Career Fair, workshops, etc)
- have my resume reviewed at the Career Resource Center and submit a revised version to the Internship Coordinator
- participate in a final reflection / evaluation with my supervisor.
Have additional questions or need support with your application?
Please reach out to Meredith Hamilton, Internship Funding Coordinator at or 845-257-3627.