Career Resource Center

Kerry Rogers

Kerry Rogers, He/Him/His
Senior Career Specialist for the School of Education 


Make an appointment with Kerry 
Drop-in hours: Wednesday 12pm-2pm, Thursday 12pm-4pm
Kerry is available remotely on Fridays

Kerry is a SUNY New Paltz graduate, and he is happy to have been able to return to the school as an employee. 

Kerry works with School of Education majors, assisting them with various aspects of their job search as they prepare to embark on an exciting career journey. One of his responsibilities is coordinating the annual Teacher Recruitment Day event, where school districts from across NY state and beyond, come to interview SUNY New Paltz teacher candidates for job openings. Kerry also co-teaches a career exploration course for the Living Learning Community students of Esopus Hall.

Kerry is the EOP liaison for the Career Resource Center.

In his free time, Kerry is a musician and enjoys playing piano and guitar.

Make an appointment with Kerry