What is NSSLHA?
Founded in 1972, NSSLHA is the only official national student association recognized by the American Speech Language Hearing Association (ASHA).
National NSSLHA has approximately 13,400 members with chapters at more than 325 colleges and universities. NSSLHA membership is available to any part- or full-time graduate or undergraduate student interested in the study of communication sciences and disorders (CSD). Students pursuing academic study as speech-language pathology assistants, students pursuing a doctorate of philosophy or doctorate of audiology, as well as students enrolled in CSD programs outside of the United States can be members of National NSSLHA.
National NSSLHA inspires, empowers, and supports students in the field of CSD to engage in leadership opportunities, grow professionally, and excel in their futures.
National NSSLHA's core values are:
- Leadership
- Collaboration
- Integrity
- Education
- Service
- Diversity
How do you join?
All you have to do to join NSSLHA at SUNY New Paltz is come to our meetings!
When and where are meetings?
Meetings are normally held biweekly on Tuesdays in SUB 409 at 7pm. Make sure you check our social media accounts for updates:
Instagram: @newpaltznsslha
Facebook: SUNY New Paltz NSSLHA
Who is on the executive board?
Eboard Positions Fall 2019 & Spring 2020:
President: Majessa Pedrozo
Vice President: Kate Salvo
Secretary: Nicole Maringano
Treasurer: Madison Cinnamo
Public Relations: Leah Dacher and Nicole Humpf
Social Media: Lauren Rein
Overview of Positions:
- Oversees all activity of members and the executive board.
- Works alongside and with the vice president to plan events, dates, new ideas.
- Ensures that a foundation for raising awareness and money is picked for each semester.
Vice President:
- Assists president in coordinating all club functions, club meetings, SA paperwork, and yearly banquet
- In charge of keeping track of membership and email addresses, attendance, and the point system.
- Awards members 1 point for attending meetings and 2 points for attending club events.
- Gaining these points is important for members as it makes them eligible to run for Eboard positions for the upcoming year and recieve participation acknowledgment and prizes.
- Records minutes of the content discussed meetings
- Emails minutes out the day after the meeting and sends periodic emails to remind members of different events happening (containing sign up sheets, attachments, etc)
- Updates blackboard page for the major and sends out club emails and announcements over blackboard.
- Answers questions from members and prospective members.
- Other tasks as needed.
- Monitors annual expenditures for programs and events.
- Fills out appropriate paperwork for Student Associations to receive funding or supplies for our events.
- Reports on the financial position of NSSLHA at meetings or other times when called upon.
- Attends biweekly Student Association meetings going over funds and information for the club.
- Collects the fundraised money and transports the money to the foundation of the semester.
Public Relations:
- Promote activities of NSSLHA by decorating and updating the NSSLHA display board by the Speech and Hearing Clinic and advertising events through flyers.
- Research background information on the chosen fundraising organization and relevant events to keep others informed
- Keep in touch with fellow students/faculty to spread awareness and to collaborate with other eboard members with the planning by attending weekly meetings.
Social Media:
- Updates all students on upcoming meetings
- Posts are made on both the Facebook and Instagram page
- Takes photos and creates short films in order to promote better speech and hearing.
What kind of events do NSSLHA members participate in?
NSSLHA Fall 2019 tentative calendar:
Tuesday, September 24th: Panel discussion with senior students
Saturday, September 28th: Wallkill Valley Rail Trail and Water Street Market outting
Saturday, October 5th: SHAHV Fall Conference - Dr. Jonathan Preston
Saturday, October 19th: Make a Difference Day
Saturday, October 26th: Lead tours of the Communication Disorders Dept. and the Speech, Language & Hearing Center during the New Paltz College Open House
Saturday, November 2nd: Volunteer at Woodland Pond
Tuesday, November 5: Game Night - fundraising event
Tuesday, November 19th: Screening of Capturing Grace documentary - fundraising event
Tuesday, December 3rd: Elections
Thursday, December 5th: BANQUET
Who does NSSLHA raise money for?
For the Fall 2019 semester, NSSLHA will be fundraising for the Parkinson’s Disease Support Group of the Mid-Hudson Valley. Since 1985, this organization has been promoting quality of life for people with Parkinson’s disease through sharing, advocacy, and education. It is the oldest continuous Parkinson's support group in the United States! Their mission is three fold: first, to provide moral support and fellowship to people with Parkinson's disease, their families, and caregivers; second, to raise awareness and disseminate information regarding Parkinson's disease; and third, to act as a resource center for members and others who would like to know more about Parkinson's. Every year, the Parkinson’s Disease Support Group of the Mid-Hudson Valley organizes the Parkinson's Awareness "Walk Over Water" on the Walkway Over the Hudson. The last Sunday in April 2020 will mark their tenth anniversary doing the walk!
In 2018-19, NSSLHA raised money for the Hudson Valley Autism Society. Online at hudsonvalley-autismsociety.org.
In 2017-18, the chapter raised money for FRIENDS: The National Association for Young People Who Stutter. Founded in 1997, FRIENDS is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to empowering young people who stutter and their families. Their mission is to provide support, education, and empowerment to young people who stutter, their families, and clinicians. FRIENDS hosts a large annual convention each July and many regional one-day conferences around the country throughout the year. Online at friendswhostutter.org.
I’m worried about graduate school applications. What do I do?
Add yourself to our facebook group called Communication Disorders Grad School Support Group (linked in our main facebook group).
Contact our secretary: Nicole Martingano
Contact our club advisor: Jessica Welsh
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