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Spring 2024: Student + Alumni Accomplishments: Design

Cindy Rodriguez ’24 at the Adobe Creative Retreat / Photo provided

Graphic Design BFAs attend Adobe Creative Retreat

Several graphic design BFA seniors—Ava Daly, Angela Earvolino, Antonio Foti, Apryl Murray, Anthony Reid, Cindy Rodriguez, and Sheyla Torres—were selected to attend the Adobe Creative Retreat in New York City on April 25-26. Students attended workshops, portfolio reviews, and networked with professionals and students from other design schools.

"Thank you Amy Papaelias for nominating me and all of the other talented designers from our school," wrote Murray in a LinkedIn post. "It was a wonderful experience. I learned so much and met so many amazing people!"


From @aaron.e.nelson on Instagram

First DDF MA Cohort Graduates

Congratulations to Alex Peraza, Eli Campbell, and Nic O'Connor—our first graduating group from the newly created MA in Digital Design and Fabrication program.

"Thank you for your trust and all of the hard work you put into yourselves to make it a reality," Digital Design and Fabrication Director Aaron Nelson wrote on Instagram. "Such a joy to be part of your journey and I will miss working with you but excited to see where you will go. As they say, 'the days were so long but the years, so short.'"


From newpaltz.meritpages.com

Apryl Murray

Graphic design major Apryl Murray was named a SUNY New Paltz Outstanding Graduate for spring 2024.

According to SUNY New Paltz, "The Outstanding Graduates are truly the 'best of the best': students who have gone above and beyond as scholars and leaders in the classroom, and also in independent research experiences, engagement with clubs and honor societies, conference attendance and presentations, internships, jobs, and other co-curricular activities."


From linkedin.com

Alex Peraza ’22 ’24g

Alex Peraza ’22 ’24g was named an Outstanding Graduate of the Class of 2024.

According to SUNY New Paltz, "The Outstanding Graduates are truly the 'best of the best': students who have gone above and beyond as scholars and leaders in the classroom, and also in independent research experiences, engagement with clubs and honor societies, conference attendance and presentations, internships, jobs, and other co-curricular activities."


From newpaltz.edu

Sheyla Torres

Graphic design major Sheyla Torres was named an Outstanding Graduate of the Class of 2024.

According to SUNY New Paltz, "The Outstanding Graduates are truly the 'best of the best': students who have gone above and beyond as scholars and leaders in the classroom, and also in independent research experiences, engagement with clubs and honor societies, conference attendance and presentations, internships, jobs, and other co-curricular activities."