GIS Links
- Digital Map and Geospatial Information Center, Princeton University
- Directions Magazine--Mapping and Demographics News Source
- ESRI Home Page
- GEOID--Geosciences Interactive Databases
- GIS and Pollution
- (Internet Guide to GIS--a great place to start)
- GIS DATA Depot
- GIS Day 1999
- GIS and Computer Mapping Software
- GIS Data Depot (Calls Itself The Largest FREE Geo-spatial Data Repository On The Web!)
- GIS in Earth Science and Map Library
- GIS Tutorial--USGS
- GPS--Global Positioning Systems
- Leica Geosystems--Interactive Demonstrations
- MAGIC--Maps and Geographic Information Center
- Maps and References--Center for Global & Regional Environmental Research/University of Iowa
- National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis Home Page
- National Imagery and Mapping Agency
- NCGIA Core Curriculum in GIScience (revised December 23, 1998)
- New York State (State-wide & Arranged By County) GIS Data Sets
- New York State GIS Clearinghouse
- PlanetWare's Cartography and Maps for Beginners (highly recommended by Cleary Mountain Middle School students)
- Tiger Map Service--Digital Mapping Database of the US Bureau of the Census
- Ulster County GIS Data Sets
- Yahoo - Geographic Information Systems