John Carey
Major: International Relations
Minor: Geology
About His Internship: "Starting this internship in January, I had almost no idea of how it would all end up. I was very excited by the prospect of working directly in the State government and directly for a Member of the State Assembly. There were many things I was told I would be doing, but no one made it explicit and the details of my work were not available since the duties of a Session intern are so varied. I ended up working in a small office for a Member that has only been in office for two terms and is in fact the youngest Member of the Assembly. I would have to say that my new relationships with him and his small staff have been the most rewarding parts of this internship experience."

Camille-Ashley Chavez
Major: Biology
Minor: French
About Her Study Abroad Experience: "Studying abroad in Touraine, France was an unforgettable experience. After stepping off the plane from an 8 hour ride, I felt both anxious and ecstatic. There were countless arguments against studying abroad as a STEM major that I had to reflect on before making this life-changing decision, such as expenses and the constant fear of having to stay for another semester to complete my program. Yet, there I was, an upcoming senior and biology major with a book bag filled with French guide books, a suitcase filled to the brim with my personal survival kit (clothes, toiletries, etc.), and a triumphant smile that said “I am finally living my dream.”
"Being able to do the two things I love the most, helping others and learning things that I could never acquire from a textbook, was the highlight of my study abroad experience. I learned how to let go, accept risks, and acknowledge the fact that I’m diving into a world where everything is unfamiliar to me. Although sometimes I felt stressed, frustrated and anxious as I dealt with new situations, I went through a transformation. I emerged from my experiences with an acquired new vision that affected the way I view the world and interact with others whose worldviews differ greatly from my own. Most importantly, I created relationships with a host family that I continue to communicate with till this day and friendships with people from across the world who I could consider as my family. As my Netherland friend once told me, “If you want to do something that you know will make you happy, just do it.” I’m glad that I did just that."

Wainabi Jung
Majors: Digital Media Production & Visual Arts
About Her Internship: "Studying and interning in Florence for the second half of my junior year was a phenomenal experience. I learned about my family and heritage while also working to further my career."
"Whenever anyone asks me about my time in Italy it is always hard to give an answer better than “great!” There are so many stories and memories that it’s hard to pick ones that accurately describe my experience. I feel like a stronger, more developed person because of the
time I spent in Italy. When I returned to the U.S., I found myself without many of the stresses I had before. I look forward to seeing the benefits of all my experiences show their light during my senior year, and as I move into my career."

Leah Monsour
Major: Photography
About Her Study Abroad Experience/Internship Opportunity: "I spent four weeks in Beijing China with no knowledge of Mandarin, four people I barely knew, and an internship that was out of my comfort zone. I was nervous, but I was more so extremely excited to throw myself into a completely new experience. To say that I learned a lot is an understatement; I truly believe I am forever changed from
my time in Beijing. I made a completely foreign city feel like home, I learned some Mandarin, I made great friends, and I had an extremely rewarding internship opportunity."
"Overall, Beijing was all about experiencing the unfamiliar. I learned so much not only about China, the language, or the culture, but about my own abilities to grow and adapt in a foreign situation. My experience deepened my skills in many areas, widened my ability to accept those who are not like me, and showed me the strength of my capabilities in this world. I am so grateful to have been afforded this opportunity.
Martina Nadeau
Major: Political Science
Minor: International Relations
About Her Study Abroad Experience/Internship Opportunity: "This past summer, I had the amazing opportunity to work at a nongovernmental organization (NGO) called Huiling in Beijing, China. Huiling aims to improve the quality of life for individuals with intellectual disabilities and their families through job skills trainings and fostering confidence through a community. Throughout my month abroad, I was assigned various tasks to increase awareness and tolerance for individuals with intellectual disabilities in Beijing. By organizing large scale fundraising events and educational outreach programs, I learned how NGOs operate abroad and outside of the Western world."

Lady Pena
Major: Visual Arts
Minors: Theatre Arts and Art History
About Her Study Abroad Experience/Internship Opportunity: "During the past summer, I was lucky to have participated in a study abroad program in Beijing, China. My intentions before the program were to learn about a different culture, help whoever I could in any way possible, and interact with different kinds of people. As the weeks passed while I was away, I learned that there is so much to learn about people. Every culture has a different mannerism and while we are all connected with the human condition, everybody is different. It takes some time to get used to a different environment, but it takes a lifetime to fully learn about a culture. I definitely learned a lot from my peers, my advisors, and the individuals whom I spent time with."