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2022 Scholarship Recipients

Brooke Cammann

Majors: Chemistry & Art History

About Study Abroad Experience: "This past summer I spent a month working at the Poggio Civitate Field School outside Siena in the small town of Vescovado di Murlo. The site known as Poggio Civitate has a history of almost 60 years of excavating the remains of an Etruscan settlement dating from as early as the seventh century B.C.E. My experience working at the field school was characterized by its comprehensive training in excavation, data collection, archaeological survey and drawing, objects conservation, and cataloguing. After graduation, I hope to pursue a career in art conservation, and this summer was my first exposure to the actual practice and techniques used by conservators."


Major:  Theatre Arts (Performance)

Minors: Music & Deaf Studies

About Study Abroad Experience: "In May and June 2022, I studied abroad in Ireland for the Summer Irish Theatre program in conjunction with the University of Limerick. I was especially intrigued by this summer study abroad opportunity because it spanned a three week period right after the commencement ceremonies in May. I had never really been out of the country before, so this was my chance to test the waters and independently travel with an academic agenda to learn about theatre in a new, experiential way. I learned about the history of the Irish Republic and how it intersects with their theatrical history and sociopolitical movements, and how the Irish government supports its people through the arts."


Major:  Spanish

Minors:  Astronomy & Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies

About Study Abroad Experience: "My time in Sevilla was invaluable. I learned a tremendous amount about Andalusian art, history, and culture, connected with people from around the globe and was able to significantly improve my ability to communicate in Spanish. I learned valuable lessons in independence, exploration, cross0cultural communication, and travel."