Inservice offerings are tailored to the specific needs of teachers and schools.
Early Foundations for Writing
Early childhood teachers consider ways to build children’s social and emotional skills through language-rich activities and instructional strategies that support emergent literacy through play, movement, storytelling, and story making.
Building a Writing-rich Classroom
Teachers explore writing process instruction by participating in a writers’ workshop where they deepen their understanding of themselves as writers and teachers of writing. They learn strategies for planning, teaching, and assessing writing.
College-Ready Writers Program
Built on curriculum developed by the National Writing Project, this workshop help teachers support students in writing arguments from nonfiction sources. Teachers will also learn strategies for the formative assessment of students’ claims and use of evidence.
Teaching Writing to English Language Learners
Teachers working with with ENL students learn culturally-relevant instructional strategies that support all learners in acquiring academic language and writing skills.
Reading and Writing in the Content Areas
Teachers of all subject areas are introduced to practical “writing to learn” strategies that support students in understanding nonfiction texts, helping them to build content knowledge and literacy skills.
Digital Learning to Support Writing and Thinking
Teachers learn experientially about the use of digital tools (i.e., Google Classroom, Google Docs, blogs, voice threads) that help students advance their writing and literacy in all subjects.
Teacher as (Digital) Writer
With the purpose of writing about their lives in and out of the classroom, teachers compose, edit, and publish their own digital compositions with photos, music, and video clips.