

Creating Trauma Informed Classrooms for Children

The Sustainable Mental Health Support for Children in Puerto Rico program, funded by UNICEF USA and implemented by the Institute for Disaster Mental Health at the State University of New York at New Paltz, created a two-tiered program of response to the mental health needs of children in response to Hurricane Maria, and was adapted and expanded to address the additional needs created by the 2020 earthquakes. 


Student Resilience Advocates

Mental health issues, including sub-clinical stress and anxiety, have reached record levels among college students. These emerging adults are currently living through multiple losses due to the COVID-19 pandemic – of traditional classes, of jobs and internships, of typical developmental experiences, of opportunities, and for some, of family members. They are also grappling with societal issues such as institutionalized racism, financial challenges, and an unrelenting negative news stream. To address the resulting stress, the Student Psychological Resilience Project was developed.




Building Military Cultural Competence

In Novemeber of 2019, the Institute for Disaster Mental Health (IDMH) and the Office of Veteran & Military Services (OVMS) at SUNY New Paltz hosted the "Best and Shared Practices for Supporting Military-Affiliated Students” conference with the support of SUNY System to convene SUNY veteran services representatives from campuses across the state to share best practices. The materials from this event, as well as information on scheduling a custom "Building Military Cultural Competence" training on your campus, can be found at the page above.



Please direct any questions or inquiries for trainings & interviews to the IDMH Graduate Student 
Assistant at or (845)-257-3477