Liberal Education Committee

Liberal Education Committee
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Guiding Principles

Liberal Education Principles

Our college community should have a shared understanding of the goals and philosophies of our liberal education program.

Students need regular and repeated opportunities to practice competencies such as critical thinking, oral and written communication, and information literacy.

These competencies should be steadily developed in consistent and measureable ways.

Many links between LE and the major are possible. For example, students could demonstrate an advanced level of such competencies as critical thinking, oral and written communication, and information literacy through a capstone project in their major.

Active Learning Principles

 Curricular structures should support active student learning, such as

•Seminar discussion

•Creative and critical writing

•Project-based learning

•Collaborative work

•Experiential learning



•Service learning

•Capstone projects

Interdisciplinary Approaches Principles

Individual academic disciplines approach knowledge with distinct methodologies, foundational premises, and core bodies of knowledge.

Students ought to be familiar with these disciplinary perspectives, but they also ought to explore how these approaches can speak in dialogue.

We anticipate proposing curricular structures that will allow for interdisciplinary approaches to learning