The Political Science Minor is a 19-credit program consisting of the introductory course in American government and politics (4 credits) and any combination of fifteen credits of electives from the department’s course offerings, at least 12 credits of which must be at the upper division (300) level.
No course earning a grade of less than C- will be counted for credit in the Political Science Minor. Courses used to meet the requirements of any other major or minor may not be used to meet the requirements of this minor. For more detailed information, please consult the department office.
Political Science Minor Requirements
- Required course…………..4 credits
POL216 - American Government and Politics - Elective courses………..15 credits
You can find a printable version of the Political Science minor plan here.
The International Relations Minor is a 19-credit, interdisciplinary program consisting of four parts: 1) the introductory course in International Politics (4 credits); 2) either Cultural Anthropology (ANT214) or Human Geography (GEO201); 3) either Contemporary American Foreign Policy (POL366) or International Relations of the Americas (POL353) or Chinese Foreign Policy and the US (POL363) or International Politics of the Asia-Pacific (POL365); and 4) 9 credits of elective courses selected by advisement from a list of courses accepted for credit in the International Relations Program, of which at least 6 credits of which must be at the upper division (300) level.
No course earning a grade of less than C- will be counted for credit in the International Relations Minor. Courses used to meet the requirements of any other major or minor may not be used to meet the requirements of this minor. For more detailed information, please consult the department office.
International Relations Minor Requirements
I. Required courses……7 credits
POL227 - Introduction to International Politics
II. One of the following:
POL366 - Contemporary American Foreign Policy
POL353 - International Relations of the America
POL363 - Chinese Foreign Policy and the US
POL365 - International Politics of the Asia-Pacific
III. One of the following:
ANT214 - Cultural Anthropology
GEO201 - Human Geography
IV. Electives (9 credits)
from list of courses accepted for credit in the International Relations program.
No more than 4 credits can be at the 200 level.
You can find a printable version of the International Relations minor plan here.
The Law and Politics Minor is an 18-credit interdisciplinary program providing students an opportunity to learn about the law and to investigate the possibility of pursuing a career in the law. It consists of three parts: 1) two required courses: Introduction to Law (POL350) and The American Judiciary (POL317); 2) either Constitutional Law: National Government (POL351) or Constitutional Law: Civil Liberties (POL352); and 3) 9 credits of electives selected by advisement from a list of courses accepted for credit in the Law and Politics Minor Program.
No course earning a grade of less than C- will be counted for credit in the Law and Politics Minor. Courses used to meet the requirements of any other major or minor may not be used to meet the requirements of this minor. For more detailed information, please consult the department office.
In recent years, New Paltz graduates have been accepted to some of the top law schools in the country, including: Yale Law School, Washington and Lee University Law School, University of Oregon Law School, Albany Law School, Brooklyn Law School and Hofstra University Law School.
Law and Politics Minor Requirements
I. Required courses……6 credits
POL350 - Introduction to Law
POL317 - The American Judiciary
II. One of the following:
POL351 - Constitutional Law: National Government
POL352 - Constitutional Law: Civil Liberties
III.Electives (9 credits)
Three of the following courses:
BLK435 Blacks and American Law (3)
BUS271 Legal Environment of Business (3)*
BUS Business Law for Accountants (3)*
JRN452 Mass Media Law (3)
PHI304 Ethics (3)
PHI305 Business Ethics (3)
PHI375 Philosophy of Law (3)
POL329 Political Obligation and Punishment (3)
POL351 Constitutional Law: National government (3)**
POL352 Constitutional Law: Civil Liberties (3)**
POL355 Criminal Law (3)
POL356 Sex Discrimination and the Law (3)
POL357 International Law (3)
SOC305 Juvenile Delinquency (3)
SOC332 Criminological Theory (3)
SOC409 Law and Social Issues (3)
WOM320 Reproductive Law and Policy (3)
*A maximum of three credits of Business Law may be credited towards the minor.
**The Constitutional Law course not taken as a required course may be taken as an elective.
You can find a printable version of the Law and Politics minor plan here.