Learn the history of the building's name
Lenape Hall, which opened in August 2004, is designed to provide enhanced quality of life for on-campus students. Lenape is a 238-bed residence hall, located across from Esopus Hall. Lenape Hall is air-conditioned and constructed with two types of rooms. One type is a suite design with bedrooms located off a common living area with large bathrooms. The other is a double/triple with private bathroom. Students have the choice of combining bedroom space for study/living space. This design is also attractive for professional summer conferences. In addition, Lenape Hall has many lounges, a common kitchen, a meeting room/computer lab, fully equipped exercise room and bicycle storage. It is beautifully landscaped on a quiet site adjacent to the campus athletic fields.
View highlights from the grand opening ceremony on August 10, 2004!
View highlights from the groundbreaking ceremony, September 18, 2002!

>>Lenape Hall<<

>>A view inside<<
Complex Director: Roman Tavarez
Office Phone Number: (845) 257-4301
Email Address: tavarezr@newpaltz.edu
Office Hours: Monday 2:00pm - 4:30pm / Tuesday 11:00am - 2:00pm/ Wednesday 12:00pm - 3:00pm/ Thursday 2:00pm - 3:30pm / Friday 12:00am - 2:00pm